chapter 6

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(your uniform)

"hey guys you ready?" I asked them.
"Yep you know home is where you are so we gonna follow you princess" they said.
I nodded and we got our bags and drive to our new school.

At the school a girl and a boy meet us at the gates. "Hello I'm yuki Cross and this is zero kiryu you are new student am I right?" She asked. "I'm Damon King, Leon Hunter and Xena Black." He said simply. I turned to Damon and he picked me up and we started walking. "She reminds me of the bitch and zero reminds of Subaru and Shu but in one person" I wishpered into his ear so zero wouldn't hear. He nodded.

We went to principal office. "Hello Xena, Damon and Leon." He nodded at us. We nodded back but stayed silent. "You gonna get 3 rooms but you gonna get exceptions if you want you three can sleep in the same room" he said to us.
" Yep and tell others that when we sleep that others wouldn't dare to wake us up" Leon said bit colder but with crazy little grin "of course Leon" I looked at Leon and narrow my eyes at him. "Sorry head master for my cold voice towards you" Leon apologize to him "don't worry its okay" he waved his hand "so kaname gonna show you three to your rooms that are next to each other." And as he finished saying his sentence a boy with brown hair walked in. "Hello I'm kaname kuran" he introduced himself. "Heyo kaname this is Damon King, Leon Hunter and Xena Black please lead them to their rooms." Headmaster said to kaname. "Of course" and we walked out.

"Hmm what shu and subaru going to do when they not going to find me?" I asked both of them "hmm maybe look for you or ask him about you but they shouldn't find you for a while but when they do you gonna explain not us." Damon said.
I closed my eyes and when I open them I use puppy dog eyes on them "I will help her not like you Damon" said Leon I jumped on him and hugged him. "Thank you thank you my dear Leon" I smucher him with kisses. *Cough* "we here" kaname said "thank you kaname" I said to him and we walked into my room.

"I don't like him" Leon said out of the blue. "You don't like anyone who isn't us" I said to him he shipishly smiled at us.

"Lets unpack and you two go to your rooms but leave some of your clothes here." They both left 4 shirt of theirs and few pairs of pants and rest. They left to finish unpacking.

They come back with White's uniforms and I was wearing one with a skirt "wow you look good with a skirt you know" said Leon. "Lets go the class is about to start." Damon told us and I went towards him and he picked me up. 'im to lazy to walk' "you lazy Xena" said Damon "I know" i said with a smile on my face.

We started walking down stairs "hey guys don't you think that zero isn't human? His smell it's different. something like mukamis brothers who are half vampires half humans." I asked them feeling suspicious about him "yeah but it's something else here it's called level E if I remember right" Damon said to me.

We walked to living room and see vampires but one stood out for me.
"Ohh shikiiii" jumped out of Damon's arms and ran to shiki. "Xena! I missed you so much where were you?" He asked me. "Oh and isn't Damon and Leon long time no see guys." Shiki said to them.

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