Eyes In The Forest

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Unfortunately, the jungle you had travelled through turned out to be on a cliff, but fortunately, the fall wasn't great enough to kill you.

Lying uncomfortably, you stared at the blue sky from atop a birch tree. Your legs were entangled in the ivory branches and your arms were dangling with your bag around the wrists, pulling them towards the ground. Mouth full of leaves, you thank the Gods that none of the branches impaled you. Trying to move, you realize that one of your ankles was badly twisted and your neck had a horrible crick in it. Hoisting your bag onto a branch nearby, you find that both of your arms had bruises all the way to the shoulder, but they worked fine. Reaching up towards your legs, you dislodged your one good ankle from the branches but struggled with the bad one. Carefully placing your back on a sturdy-looking branch, you pulled on the branch trapping your stuck ankle, breaking it but freeing your leg. Slowing swinging your legs over the branch you perched yourself on, you grab onto it with both hands and tediously lowered yourself down to the grass below. Landing on the good ankle, you reached up and retrieved your bag from the branches. Throwing your bag next to you, you slide down the trunk and sit on the cool grass.

Feeling exhausted from your near-death experience, you pull out your rolled up, makeshift sleeping bag from your pack and laid it out in front of you. It wasn't night yet, but you doubted that you would be leaving this spot for a while due to your twisted ankle. Needing to heal, you pulled out your water pouch and a small sack of foodstuffs, worrying about the size of the supply. Looking inside the food sack, you spotted that several things had been squashed by the impact, and you began to worry for your other items. Taking out all of the ruined food, you tossed it away from you into the forest, but unfortunately it left very little remaining in the sack. Knowing that you were unfit to hunt, you took out only half a bread loaf, trying to ration whatever you had. Eating away at the loaf, you worried about the days to come. You didn't have enough food to last you during the healing process, and you wondered if it would be too much exertion to hop while chasing game. The thought of you flailing around on one foot trying to catch a cow made you laugh a little. While the feeling was short-lived, you found it almost reinvigorating to be able to still find humor even in this situation.

As the last of the sun dipped down below the mountains, you had broken up the branch you broke off from the tree and made a small fireplace with the flint and steel you had on you. The jungle was hot, but this forest was cold, and the night air had started to chill your exposed skin. You almost missed the heat of the jungle. Shuffling your way into your sleeping bag, you stared at the small fire you made slowly eat at the wood. You were so focused on the crackling of the flame that you almost missed hearing the crack of a twig behind you.

Sitting up so quickly made your ankle hurt like hell, but you snatched up your bag as fast as you could in search of your sword. As you heard footsteps approaching you, you hoisted yourself upwards with your good ankle and turned to face whatever disturbed you. You knew you wouldn't be able to chase it if it ran, but you know that if it was a passive creature the sight of your weapon would make it leave you alone to sleep. But when you expected something like a large animal or zombie, you were met with...eyes.

They were huge, or maybe it was the glow of them that made them seem huge. Large, white, glowing eyes stared at yours with a burning intensity and with an emotion you couldn't pinpoint. They held no iris or pupil, only a blank white that rivaled the brightness of your fireplace. You tried to squint your eyes in an attempt to see the face that harbored such eyes, but their glow drowned out any color from the shadows, masking it in either the stark light or the natural darkness. Your own tired eyes tried to see the rest of the figure's body, but the new moon and the forest's shade combined completely cloaked whoever stood in front of you. You stood still and strained your ear for a sign of life from this person, a breath or a shuffle of the feet. When you heard the figure breathing softly, only then did you feel confident enough to talk to them.

"Who are you?" your voice was weak from being winded, but in the too-quiet forest, it was loud.

You saw the eyes lean up a bit, you assumed that this person had straightened up, or moved their head. It was an odd movement, almost robotic.

Without answering, the entity had turned around and started to walk away.

Feeling confused and curious, you tried to follow the figure into the woods, holding onto tree trunks for support. But before you got any further than the nearest tree, the person suddenly whipped around, eyes blinding you. You ducked your face down and you could hear the person come closer. You dared not look up, and shut your eyes from the light. 

You heard the person speak to you. Their low, masculine voice reaching your ears.

"It's all a dream." you could hear how robotic the voice was, how monotonous it sounded, how unremarkable. Your mind, however, relaxed at the rhythm of it, and you found yourself starting to fall asleep.

Before any more words could be exchanged, you fell right where you stood and fell into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

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