To Be Better

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You wanted to leave. That much was obvious. When you told Herobrine that you were in the ocean, it was probably a bad idea. How was he supposed to know which ocean and where in? You pressed your face into the soft bed sheets and screamed in frustration.

You hoped that he would be able to find the right ocean. You didn't even know if was even coming for you at all. Hopelessness crawled into your head, but you tried to keep yourself optimistic. After all, he seemed adamant on finding you when you saw him in your dreams. You hoped it wasn't just your imagination.

Even still, a part of you wasn't sure you wanted to see him again. You were still furious about the dead forest. Herobrine was the best way of getting out of this place, but you kind of wished he wasn't. Even though you saw him as a sort of friend, he kept hurting your trust in him.

Your mixed emotions scrambled your brain. You wanted to keep a straight mind, but you kept wallowing in your feelings for Herobrine. You wanted to be with Steve again and go to Sky City without any interruptions. Would you have to leave Herobrine to do so? Maybe, but he's been so troublesome...

Time slipped away and you wondered if you had been lying in the bed for hours. You didn't want to go to sleep. If you did, you might see Herobrine again. Did you want to see him again? The question still plagued you. You didn't know if you would ever be able to answer it. You shivered and curled up into the sheets. You wished you had someone to talk to, but you didn't know if anyone lived here other than the Elder Guardian. And speaking of, you still wanted to know why he yelled at you.

You understood that Herobrine was a puzzling man, but how the Elder responded to the dreams with him confused you. You had gotten used to them, but the Elder claimed that Herobrine hardly used magic for that purpose. If such was the case, then why have you dreamed of him so much? And you knew it was real, otherwise he would have denied ever doing so.

Herobrine's actions seemed messed up and stupid the more you thought about it. Why use so much magic to see you in a dream? Why burn down a forest for no reason? Why deny going with you and Steve, but be so ready to find you after losing you? It made no sense. Why follow you if he didn't want to travel with you? Why were you told he used magic sparingly when he used it so frequently? You clutched the blankets around you tighter.

Why? Why? Why?

And why you? Out of everyone that the madman could chase after and stalk and talk to, it had to be you. This menace to society, this idiot magic man, was so obsessed with you. And for what? What would he gain from this? What could he hope to do?

The room was quiet and you were glad something was. Your mind buzzed so loudly, it was hard to concentrate on anything else. You were glad there was nothing else to concentrate on.

You closed your eyes to try and block out the thoughts. You tried not to think about Herobrine.

You tried thinking about someone else. Alex. Steve's sister.

Was it dumb? Yes. Did it work? Also yes.

You didn't know what she was like or how she looked, so you tried to imagine it as a distraction. You thought of her with long hair that was dark brown like Steve's. She had blue eyes and fair skin with freckles. You thought of her as being opposite to Steve for some reason. Serious and analytical, like a doctor or something. Maybe she was.

You imagined her being strong and protective. She would shield you from the bad in the world and protect you from your dumb thoughts and Herobrine. You smiled and wondered if she would really be like that. You could only hope to meet her one day.

Your mind quieted down. You felt more peaceful and calm. You still wanted to leave this place, but at least your thoughts were less crushing.

There was a silence.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now