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Though you tried, you didn't sleep a wink that night. Alex's home was cold and the blanket barely helped. You sat on the bed for most of the night, staring at the window.

It all felt wrong somehow. It felt like you didn't belong there. Like you were just an outsider intruding on the private life of real people. You rolled over and stared at the wall.

You didn't know how long you laid like that, but eventually you got up. You couldn't handle the silence anymore. You walked out of the guest room and down the hall, aimlessly wandering. As you made it to the living room, you only felt more alone.

You walked to a window. It was dark out, but the streets were illuminated by lanterns. They gave off a comforting orange glow, but the light also drowned out the stars in the sky.

You could see something else outside. The silhouette of a familiar figure sitting on the front lawn. You quietly made your way to the front door, fiddling with the door knob. It creaked as you opened it, making the person outside turn to face you as you stepped out. A cool breeze blew against your face as you looked at Herobrine.

"Figures," he said, "you always seem to find me."

"Do you want to be alone?" You asked.

"Not really. You can sit with me."

You parked yourself next to Herobrine on the cool grass. As you placed your palms on the ground next to you, you realized the grass was synthetic. You looked over to Herobrine, who was staring at you.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"I can ask you the same thing." He said.

"You answer first."

"Fine. I'm not okay. I thought I was, but...I don't know..."

"Well I'm not doing okay either, if it's any consolation."

"I guess. I thought coming to the city would be refreshing. Nostalgic. I'm not feeling any of that."

"Is it because of Alex?"

"It's because of everything. Alex, the city, Steve..."

"Am I hurting you?"

The question came out without you thinking twice. It made Herobrine go quiet for a moment. He turned away from you.

"Don't you think it's a tad strange to worry about that? I've done you wrong before. Even now I still haven't made up for it."

"You're changing. You've done enough."

"You don't think it's...selfish, in any way? I just wish I could take it all back. I used to be so angry. I'm still angry. I don't want to be."

There was a silence. He turned to look at you again. He looked sad and upset, like he was about to cry. You didn't know how to help him. You leaned closer and hugged him as tightly as you could. He softened in your arms.

"You're still healing...you're still healing."

His body shook, but he made no noise. His arms wrapped around you as he buried his face in your shoulder. You held him for quite some time until he pulled away. As he did, he cupped your face in his hands and stared into your eyes.

"You don't hurt me. You're the best thing about this trip."

You couldn't respond. You just stared into his glowing eyes as they pierced yours. The night air was so still and the moment felt so intimate.

You could have sworn you belonged there.

Then, the moment was gone. He released your face. You watched him turn away again and mumble something under his breath. You didn't know what he said. You didn't need to know.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now