Not Ready

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It still plagued your mind.

Spawn. They're Spawn.

You weren't. You knew you weren't. You had parents and everything. Though your young memories were blurry, you knew you had parents. Even though they died, they had existed.

It seemed plausible that Herobrine just lied to get the angel off of you. For some reason, however, his words stuck to you.

They're Spawn.

'I'm not. I'm really not.'

The moon made way for the sun. The sky blossomed with oranges and yellows and pinks and reds as the large star rose. It peeked through the trees you and Herobrine tried to make your way quickly through.

It wasn't the correct way back to Herobrine's den. You both had saw a roofed forest heading towards the general direction and decided that it was safer than the plains. It would take longer to get back, but you would be sheltered by the thick foliage.

Herobrine grunted painfully everytime he took a step on his bad leg. He moved as quickly as he could with the small potion in his system and the blood soaking his pants. You gave him extra help to walk, but it slowed the party down.

'Just a road trip. It was just a road trip.'

The ground was squishy with fungi. Giant and small mushrooms alike grew around you. It was darker than most forests, but you knew that mobs would stay away. Even still, the distant sounds of groaning zombies and rattling skeletons kept you on edge.

They're Spawn.

'Stop thinking of that already! Focus!'
You shook your head and pulled Herobrine closer to you. The height difference was awkward, but you made it work. You held him up more by his torso than arms, but it helped him so you kept doing it.

'Should I ask? Would it be a good time?'

You agonized over the thought. Herobrine grunted as he stumbled. You pulled him up. You shook your head.

'No. Just focus. Get back to the den.'

The roofed forest was a small biome. It ended on the edge of a birch forest. The biome didn't have as much shade as the roofed forest, but if you strayed much more from the path then you would never find the den.

You curved the path you and Herobrine walked slightly. You headed towards the edge of the plains, hoping to see the forest you both started the journey in. You hoped that the angel hadn't woken up yet.

'Think positive! Just focus on Herobrine.'

You looked over to the man you held up. Herobrine had sweat coming down his face. His eyes were dimmer than usual and his skin looked pale. He looked tired.

You tightened your grip on him and kept moving. You had to be close. The sun rose higher and the sky faded to blue. The plains was bigger than you remembered. Your legs hurt from carrying Herobrine and walking for two people. You felt sweat build up on your forehead. Your injured arm twitched. You sighed uncomfortably.

'Come on. Keep going.'

You gritted your teeth and pulled Herobrine. You could see the edge of the plains in the distance. The river than ran through it stopped. You could see the forest. You sighed in relief.

Herobrine patted your shoulder. You looked up to see his face which gave away his pain.

"Could we...take a break for a little bit?" His voice pleaded.

You slowed down and nodded. The forest was so close, but Herobrine was more important. You helped him lay against a tree. You took a seat next to him.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now