The Village On The Hill

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Walking as fast as you could back to your makeshift camp, you had begun to get excited. No longer would you be isolated from civilization. You could talk to others, live in a real house, trade for resources, have food at the ready; it all seemed so thrilling to have a chance at normalcy.

Arriving at the camp, you hastily rolled up your sleeping bag and stuffed it in your pack. Kicking away the charred fireplace, you turned back to where you saw the village and begun to speed walk.

You couldn't stop thinking about what you would do once you arrived. You sort of knew why you stayed away from villages, ever since the fire, but you also knew that recovery doesn't mean avoiding what irks you. You knew you would go crazy staying in the wild all your life, just look at the bizarre dreams you've had! You needed socialization, 3 years without company was already bad enough.

Finding your way back to the lake, you looked up and saw it glowing under the dark sky. The bright torches looked so inviting and warm, you couldn't wait to get there.

'Hopefully the people are nice.' you wondered, stepping into the shallow lake.

Wading through the water, you dipped your water pouch once more and hoisted yourself on the other side. You shook your legs free from the clinging moisture and continued on your trek.

Finally making it to the large hill the village was stationed on, you grabbed your pick out of your bag and begun to scale the steep slope.

As you struggled upwards, you had felt it again. The feeling of being watched slapped you in the face and made you slip on a rock. Catching yourself, you wondered if you should look back. Thinking that it was a terrible idea, you continued to climb the hill, trying to convince yourself it was only a feeling.

Sooner than expected, your hands had grazed the top of the hill. You lifted your legs up on the ledge and rolled over on top of your pickaxe. Feeling the point dig into your shirt, you sat up and put the tool back into your bag.

Standing up, you looked towards the village that stretched on before you. The great stone wall surrounding it had guard towards on each side, and you could spot guards in each of them. You started to feel nervous, what if they saw you as a threat? You didn't have much combat knowledge, you would surely lose if they fought you.

Taking a deep breath, you reached into your bag and retrieved a coal piece and a stick. Striking the stick with the coal, you had a brightly glowing torch. Holding it in front of you, you approached the wall slowly, waiting for one of the guards to notice you. And for once, one of your ideas worked.

"Who goes there?" you could hear the gruff voice of a guard demand you, the sheer volume of his words ringing in your ear.

"Just a traveller! I mean no harm!" you called back, holding up your free arm to show you had no weapon.

"Why are you here?" He demanded.

You could see the guard from the other tower notice you as well. You started to feel nervous again, what could you say? The choices ran through your head like bullets, there were many reasons why you were there, how could you pick one?

"I...I've come for shelter!" you said, your statement sounding almost like a question.

It was lame, but it was the only convenient one, and it wasn't a lie.

You could see, even in the dark, the guard considering your answer. You hoped to the Gods it was enough to get you in.

"From what?" you heard the guard once again shout.

You felt your heart drop. How could you explain that? There were no mobs after you, therefore no reason for shelter. As you considered your options again, you heard another voice ring out in the night.

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