One Fight To Begin Many

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'We should've brought weapons.'

The thought raced through your mind as the scene unfolded before you. The angel in front of you had drawn a blade from its belt, pointing it at Herobrine. You could feel the sweat on his palms as he squeezed your hand.

'We should've brought weapons.'

The back of your neck felt cold. Your throat felt tight and words refused to make their way to your tongue. The silver sword was sharp and the angel swung it with grace and ease. It was skilled. Herobrine cleared his throat and held your hand close.

"Why me?"

His voice gave away his nervousness. His eyes flickered. You tried to calm the rapid heartbeat in your chest.

'We should've brought weapons.'

It was all you could think. The one thing you didn't prepare for. It was just going to be a road trip. A small adventure before reuniting with Steve. Just a road trip.

You prayed silently that the angel wouldn't kill anyone.

"You, young God, belong back in your home dimension to be completed. You will come with me."

Confusion mingled with the emotions in your head. The air around you was still and silent. Herobrine made no move towards the angel and held onto you unwaveringly. The angel stared at you.

"I do not wish to fight. I will, however, use force if you refuse to come with me."

The angel sounded hostile. It stood still, the needle like blade still pointed at Herobrine.

Herobrine seemed stuck in place. His face had gone noticeably paler. His hands shook slightly as he tried not to look at the angel directly. He seemed at a loss for words.

You cleared your throat loudly.

"He's not going anywhere."

Your voice wasn't as strong as you wanted it to be, but it got the entity's attention. The deep red eyes of the angel stared at you intensely. It shook you, but you swallowed the feeling. You didn't entirely understand what was happening, but if Herobrine was scared, then you were going to step up.

"You do not get to speak in his place, mortal."

The anger that radiated from the sentence made your cheeks heat up. The tiny hairs on your arms and legs stood up and you felt your hands shake like Herobrine's.

"He's not going...anywhere."

It was all you could do to repeat what you already said. You felt crushed underneath the stare of the angel. The sword swung to you. You swallowed air.

"If you choose to be an obstacle, then I will destroy you."

Time had seemed to slow down before, every second feeling like an hour. In the blink of an eye, that changed. The sword was swung with incredible speed. You flinched as it moved away from you, but you didn't even react as it quickly slashed at you.

Your heart jumped in your throat as pain crossed you. Your brain froze as blood bloomed on your arm. It was wet and warm. You jumped back, the pain searing through you. You saw your own blood dribble off of the angels blade before it struck again. Your hand slipped from Herobrine's grasp as you covered your face.

You expected another blow, but you didn't feel any pain. You uncovered your face. You looked up to see Herobrine standing in front of you, blocking the angel's sword with his hand. Blood was dripping from his palm. It was red.

Herobrine pushed the blade back and the angel retreated the weapon. Surprise was written on its face as it watched the blood seep from the gash in Herobrine's hand.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now