A Letter Home

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You woke up in the dark and were confused until you recognized the bookshelves. All the torches seemed to have been blown out as your eyes adjust to the darkness. You could see the charred tips of the sticks on the walls as you looked around. You stared down at the table and saw the open book you and Steven had read together. You looked over to where Steven was supposed to sit.

He wasn't there.


An unexpected voice echoed behind you. You whirled around quickly but you couldn't see anyone. You turned back around. It didn't seem as if anyone was in the room except you.


It was farther away. Your eyes kept shifting, trying to find the source of the voice. You got up and walked to where you thought it came from. Your footsteps made no noise.


You thought you recognized the voice, now. It creeped up into the back of your mind. It sounded familiar. You continued to follow.


You walked down an endless aisle of books. The titles were all the same thing. They all contained one word.


You kept walking.


It was closer now. It felt as if you could reach out and touch whoever spoke. The voice was deep and monotone. It vibrated through the air and made your body shake.


You reached the end of the aisle. An inky pit met your gaze as you stared at the empty space. The bookshelves seemed to curve downward into the dark void. The voice echoed from it.

It had begun to sound...sad.


Your toes were at the edge of the void. You stared down and felt your stomach drop. The darkness seemed to swallow you and you felt overcome with grief and sadness. Icy cold tears stung your cheeks as the floor creaked under your feet.


It was so close. He was so close.

You felt some force pulling you into the void. It was strangely relieving when you fell.


It was next to you. It was filled with such melancholy that you cried. Your tears floated around you, chilling the warm air. A hand reached out from beyond the dark shadows and gently caressed your cheek. It was strange, but it was comforting. You leaned into the warmth.

"Hey...Can you hear me?"

You stared into the endless darkness where the hand came from. You reached out for more.


You could barely recognize your own voice. The curtain of dark in front of you dissipated. A tall, slender figure floated in front of you.

"I'm sorry."

You almost didn't recognize him. His dark brown hair stuck up in the strange gravity of this place. His thin limbs seemed to float gracefully. His aqua shirt seemed to barely touch his torso as waves of cloth bunched around him.


His glowing eyes flickered. A thin mist of white trailed around his head. He looked almost like he had a halo.

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