Back To The Nether

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It was dark before you found the portal. Thankfully, the darkness was more of a favorable factor since it helped locate the purple glow of the Nether portal. You clung onto a sword as you stared at the swirling purple sheet in front of you. Steve and Alex were both exhausted from searching and wanted to break for the night, but you found sleep impossible. Just looking at the portal had your nerves buzzing. You sat on your sleeping bag, staring at the portal nearby, wanting to go through it.

'We need to wait for them first.' Herobrine had said.

'I know, I know,' You replied, 'but I really want to go through.'

You spent a good chunk of time pacing around, trying to tire yourself out. It wasn't helping and pacing around the portal only strengthened the urge to go up to it. It was right there and you felt so close to finally getting a sense of progress in this journey.

As the moon hung high in the sky, you couldn't take the suspense. You grabbed your bag and a sword and carefully stepped up to the portal.

'Y/n! We can't go through now!' Herobrine warned.

'Just a peek! At least let me see the other side.' You pleaded.

'It's still dangerous. You don't know what could be waiting on the other side.'

'But I have a weapon! I can handle myself.'

'I know you can, but won't Steve and Alex wonder where you are?'

Herobrine's protests continued, but you made up your mind. You clutched the sword tightly in your hand as you stepped into the purple portal. The cool night air dramatically shifted to a nearly suffocating heat. Immediately, sweat started to form on your forehead and palms. As you stepped down from the portal frame, all you could see was the red wasteland of the Nether. You sighed in relief at not encountering anything dangerous. Still, you clung to the sword and started to walk around.

'See? This isn't so bad.'

'I thought you were gonna take a small peek.'

'I am, I am! I'm just getting my bearings.'

'Well, get your bearings and then go back. Time still passes back home here, so you can't stay too long.'

'Just give me a second! There's nothing here anyways!'

You wandered around the wasteland, trying to find anything that could give a clue as to where the King might be. Though you knew it would be easier to have company help, you just wanted to see if a fortress would be anywhere nearby the portal. But as you looked around, you couldn't see anything familiar. You still searched, a bit farther away from the portal, and still found nothing. You could feel the sweat collecting and immediately evaporating off your skin. You peeked around corners and tried to avoid anything that may be dangerous, but there was absolutely nothing around. You felt somewhat deflated in the fruitless search. Heading back to where you thought the portal was, you started to see some stranger things that contrasted against the deep red of the Nether.

It was a tree. A blue tree.

Curiosity got the better of you and you wandered away from your destination. As you approached the tree, you saw more surrounding it. A whole forest of blue trees appeared before your eyes. Surrounding the trees were orange lights growing from the branches. It was both beautiful and slightly off-putting.

'What is this place?' Herobrine wondered.

'You've never seen this before?' You asked.

'No, I've never seen anything like this before. I always thought the Nether was...empty.'

You carefully pushed past the thick foliage. It reeked of mold and must as spores danced around you. You couldn't stop looking at the tall trees, how they stretched upwards and made the red glare of the Nether so dull.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now