The Trail Begins Again

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In just one night, the world got flipped on its side. Though you were relieved that The Catalyst would no longer hunt you and Herobrine, there was a nagging feeling in the back of your head telling you that you were no safer than before. A new kind of fear rose up in your chest. The kind of fear that told you there was something bigger than The Catalyst that had its eyes on and around you. Try as you might, you couldn't ignore thinking about where The Catalyst came from. You knew it came from a higher power. A higher power that wanted Herobrine. A higher power that didn't care if you died as long as it could complete its goals.

The sight of a dead angel shook you to your core. You didn't want to anger its creator. It was too late, but you wished there was a different solution to stop The Catalyst. You tried not to pay attention to its body, but it always hung in your peripheral vision.

Not too long after its death, it had started to rain. It came down quick and heavy, every drop pounding against your head and back. You and Steve retreated to the tent, but even the roof caved in slightly to the weight of the rain. You and Steve were working together to keep the roof of the tent from falling down, but you were mostly preoccupied by the still sleeping form of Herobrine. You were sure he would wake up on his own, but you were worried. Was the cause of his ailment The Catalyst? Or was it something else? You held onto hope, but you still worried. Only the sound of thunder broke you out of your thoughts.

From inside of a house the sound of thunder is muffled somewhat, but being outside in the elements is an entirely different story. It was loud and clear, piercing your ears painfully. You disregarded the tent and covered your ears with your hands, trying to block out the horrible noise. Steve was by your side in a near instant. His arms wrapped around you, but you didn't feel any safer.

Wind ripped through the tent, toppling the roof and soaking you and Steve with cold water. You shut your eyes to try and block out the thunder, cold rain, and chilling wind. Steve tried to catch the tent, but it was tangled in itself and being swept up by the wind. He left your side to catch it and you were left next to Herobrine, who was sleeping through the storm. You shivered and clenched your teeth.

You didn't want Herobrine to get soaked in rain. You took the sleeping bag from under him and properly wrapped him in it. You saw Steve try to untangle the tent. Everything that once was under the safety of the tent was getting soaked in rain. You tried to look out over the mesa top, but the wind blowing in your face made it hard to see anything. The dead body of The Catalyst was all you could see in the storm.

Then, lightning flashed. Its bright light filled your vision. You could feel the vibration of it through the ground. You shut your eyes and clamped your hands over your ears as its thunder erupted. When you opened your eyes again, The Catalyst was gone. The rain stopped soon after. You could feel your heart beating hard in your chest. The last trickle of rain dripped from your hair.

"Was that it?"

Steve's voice came from behind you. You turned around and saw him holding the still-tangled tent. You, Steve, and Herobrine were all soaked in water along with your bags. You looked down at Herobrine. Still asleep.

"I hope so." You said.

It was all quiet, but it wasn't a good quiet. The silence made you afraid. The Catalyst disappeared and you were scared that something worse would come to take its place.

You didn't have time to think about it now, however. You stood up and walked over to Steve, helping him untangle the tent. Once the wet fabric was peeled away from itself, you put your attention to Herobrine. A part of you was relieved when you saw he rolled over. Maybe he needed more time to recover and wake up. No matter how long it took, you were determined to keep him safe.

A plan was quickly made. You sat down with Steve and created a plan to move. The original plan was to travel to Sky City and that was what you stuck to. According to Steve, it would only take a day or so to reach the city, which surprised you. You expected to be somewhat far away, but knowing that Sky City was closer than you thought was comforting.

With your wounds still fresh from the fight, you and Steve gathered everything you needed for the trip. You dried off anything you could to the best of your ability and put them in bags. One item caught your eye. A book. You had forgotten entirely about it.

'The War of The Farlands'

It was pretty soaked, but the ink was still readable. You stared at the cover until Steve came from behind you.

"What's that?" He asked.

"A book. I forgot I had it." You replied.

"What's it about?"

"Some kind of war. I actually haven't read the whole thing through, but...I felt compelled to take it."

"Take it with. There will be plenty of time to read once we're in Sky City."

"I don't know. This book...makes me feel uneasy."

"How so?"

You opened your mouth to answer, but nothing came out. You didn't know. Just holding it in your hands made you feel uncomfortable, but you couldn't even begin to explain why. Despite your own feelings, you stuffed it back into your bag.

"I don't know. Maybe it's nothing." You said quietly.

You packed up everything else and slung it around your shoulder. Steve made accommodations for Herobrine. As you finished getting ready, you saw Steve use the tent material to create a sling to carry Herobrine in. You found it oddly adorable. Steve tightened the tent corners around the back of his neck and you helped him lift Herobrine into the makeshift hammock hanging on his chest.

"Is he secure enough?" Steve asked.

"I think he'll be fine." You said.

And with that, you were off. Using Herobrine's maps, you and Steve were able to determine which direction to go. Both excitement and anxiety buzzed in your mind.

Making your way down the mesa, you looked ahead at a distant biome. The time passed in silence and you didn't know what would happen next. The sun was shining and the sky was clear. Too clear.

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