A familiar Sight

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Suddenly the ground started to shake. You stood up once again and frantically looked around. "No no, don't worry it's just the train again. Choo choo." O'shay was treating you almost like a toddler. Astro looked outside, the train had just come, so why was there more shaking?

"That's not a choo choo." Astro told, seeing at least 10 black cars driving up to their house. The roofs of the cars had machine guns planted on them. Astro grabbed O'shay's medication and shoved it in his pocket. 

"It's okay, sit down." O'shay smiled at you.

"We gotta go." Astro told, grabbing O'shy's wheelchair and beginning to push him out of the house.

"What?" O'shay snapped his head towards Astro. "Where?"

"Stay here." Astro told you. "Don't move."

"Where are we going??" O'shay asked. Astro didn't answer, he pushed O'shay outside. O'shay turned to you before Astro could get him out the door. "Don't worry! He- He will be back for you!" He called out.

Astro wheeled O'shay out quickly as the cars became closer, closing in on their land. Astro picked up O'shay and put him in the back of the car.

"The girl Astro! We've got to go back for the girl." Astro shut O'shay's door and put his wheelchair in the boot. He then got in the front and started to drive. "Astro we mustn't forget about (Y/N)." He told.

"She's not ours to take with us." Astro protested, beginning to speed up. The front gate was knocked down by the people in the black cars. "No, no!" Astro cried, spinning the wheel to find another exit. He then got cornered once again. "No!" Astro reversed back only to be met with the cars from before. He stopped the car as men with guns surrounded them.

A man shouted that they needed to find the girl and help up a picture of you to the rest of the soldiers. "Astro.." O'shay whispered.

"Y-Yeah I'm thinking." Astro needed a plan, and fast.

"The girl, Astro, we mustn't forget about (Y/N)." O'shay repeated himself. Alexander then came out of one of the cars, leaning on the door of Astro's car with the window open.

"Huh, would you look at that. Doctor O'shay." He grinned.

"Where's Reno?!" Astro questioned.

"Japan's most wanted scientist." Alexander commented, staring at O'shay.

"Actually I'm a Roboticists." O'shay corrected with a 'Heck you' sort of tone. Astro saw that there was a man getting close to his side of the car. He flung his door open and hit the man with it, sending him back and onto the floor. The man stood up and pointed his gun at Astro.

Alexander put his hand up to signal the man to put his gun down. Astro shut the door hard and walked closer to Alexander. "Where's Reno?!" He asked again.

"Why don't you tell me where the girl is first." Alexander said, holding his hands behind his back. "Or I can ask the old man, he seems quite friendly."

"I told you she's not here. Where is Reno?!?"

"Well.. I left him in the same ditch, he was gonna leave me in." Alexander smiled. Astro grabbed Alex by the collar and pulled back his arm. His hand turned into a cannon and before he could shoot, men came and grabbed him, pushing him against his car. Astro managed to shoot at one of the men. Before Astro could shot the other man, he got a punch to the face and got hit from behind, making him fall down. Astro turned over, only to hear the sound of guns clicking, all shooters were pointed at him.

Alexander walked over to Astro and leered over him. "Jesus Astro Boy, seeing you like this just breaks my damn heart."

"As soon as I rip it out of you chest you-" Alexander lifted up his foot and kick Astro in the head. Astro groaned.

"Alright." Alexander pointed to the house. "I bet that rascal is in there.. Go get her." He demanded.


You sat down, finishing eating your cereal. You heard the sound of people coming into the house and you put the spoon down. They watched you from a distance, and then reported they could see you on their walkie-talkie. A bald man walked up to you, he had a small pistol in his hand.

He walked closer to you with metal cuff in his hands, although these were defiantly more high-tech than the one you would find on a police officer. As he slowly closed in on you, you turned you head to look at him with a poker face.


Alexander stepped closer to the house, he was still far away, but he was waiting for you to come out with the men in cuffs, but it seemed to be taking longer than expected.

Suddenly, screams could be heard echoing from inside the shed. Everyone flinched at the sound of gunshots and you crying out. Men suddenly surround the entrance of the shed, waiting to see if they needed to shoot if you came out running towards them.

The men pinning down Astro with guns got off him and turned their attention towards the shed. Astro panted and pushed himself off the ground. You came out of the shed, holding the handcuffs in your hand.

"(Y/N)..." O'shay turned around to look at you from inside the car.

You slowly walked closer to Alexander. "Ad a girl. (Y/N)." Alex smiled at you, keeping his hand up signalling the men not to shoot. He waved at you. "Hey baby." You continued walking closer. You got the cuffs and threw them onto the ground.  "(Y/N), honey. You wanna, stay where you are." Alexander waved his finger at you. You didn't listen and kept on walking towards him. "You wanna see your friends, right?"

One of the men spoke in Spanish and then they all aimed their guns at you. Alex put his hand up again. "Commander, just stop." He snarled.

"You said alive or dead." The commander said.

You took your bag off your back and held it in your hand. The other hand, you placed up in the air. "(Y/N)!" Alexander yelled. "(Y/N).. No." He shook he head and waved his index finger again. "No." Your hand started to fold up and around itself, forming what looked to be a high-tech version of Astro's arm cannon. Astro's eyes widened. Alexander jumped back. "Move!" He told his men. "Go!" They started charging towards you.

You threw your bag at one of them, then went to your other side and shot a guy in the leg before shooting his face. You shot another man then grabbed your bag and began to run back to the house, but instead of going through the front door, you went up to the roof and got in by a window. The men kept shooting at you, making Alex pissed. "Stop shooting!" He pushed a man's gun down. "She's made of titanium!" He then grabbed a man and pushed him towards the shed. "GO!"

"Oh my God..." Astro blinked, did he just see a robot? do exactly what he could?! O'shay's mouth twitched up into a smile. He knew it! He knew you were a robot!

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