Escape With Me

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Your plan was to get most of the soldiers into the house so you could split them up and take them out one by one. You were still on the top floor. The floor was a metal walkway so you could look down at the guards who were searching for you. You ran above them, your red boots tapping on the rusty metal as you did.

One soldier had split up from the rest and was frantically pointing his gun around just in case he saw, and needed to shoot you. You took this moment to drop down on him. You placed your foot out and landed onto his back, definitely breaking it.

Another man heard the thud and turned around, he saw you and started to shoot. You quickly rolled out of the way and into cover. The bullets may not have damaged you, but they still hurt.

You hid behind a wall as two guards passed you and pointed their guns around, not seeing you. You jumped onto the back of one of the men and snapped his neck. You then quickly jumped onto the other man, punching his neck quickly, making him suffocate slowly.

You got up and ran to the next man, in seeing him closer than expected, you let yourself fall back and slide across the floor, you turned your body back around and shot a laser at his leg, making him cry out in pain.

You got back up and looked around for an exit, there were too many soldiers. You saw a half open window and quickly jumped out of that. You ran around the side of the house breathing heavily and watching your every step.

Before you could look in front of yourself, you got pinned to the gate with someones hand at you neck. You put your arm up to point your laser at the man, but he quickly pinned your arm back. You kicked him in the crouch and he quickly let go of you. You climbed onto his shoulders and swung him to the floor, you were just about to shoot at him until a piercing feeling shot through your lower back. You looked down to see along rod impaling your body. You a loud, piercing cry  from the pain you received echoed from your throat. It was Alexander who'd shot the arrow like object at you. He pulled the gun that had a rope connecting the arrow, making him pull you back too. You fell back onto the ground.

Two men came and stepped on your arms, making you unable to shoot at them. "C'mon! Hold her down!" The man who had pinned you before came up to you with those same titanium cuffs. He opened them and was about to placed them on you, until a laser shot through his head. Astro stood behind the man, his hand turning into a arm cannon as he blasted the two men stepping on you. You sat up and pulled the arrow out of your chest with a pained scream. You used your laser to cut of the string that connected it back to the gun. The arrow was titanium, no wonder it got past your endoskeleton. You bent the arrow and dropped it. You tried to push yourself off the floor, but before you could, you got grabbed by two men. They grabbed your arms and started dragging you to a car.

You tried moving your hands around to get a good shot at them but you couldn't. Astro was clutching his arm as he had just been shot. One of the men covered your mouth. Astro had forgotten about his arm, and was about to go and help you, but he saw that your feet were folding into your legs he hesitated. Flames bursted out your boots and your legs flew up, making you knee one of the men in the face, surely breaking his nose. The other man, you flew up with and threw him harshly to the ground.

Astro turned around to see men going to his car, with Doctor O'shay still inside. Astro ran up to the guards, his limp slowing him down. He shot two of them in the head. You stared at Astro and wondered what he was doing. You then heard someone running up behind you and quickly focused your attention to them.

A soldier had opened the door and pointed his gun at O'shay, but Astro quickly pulled him away and shot him. Astro then shut O'shay's door. He looked around, and in seeing no one around, he quickly got into the car and turned it on.

"It is as I told you Astro, she's a robot." O'shay said with clear happiness in his voice.

"Hold on!" Astro told, pushing down on the accelerator and sped off. 

"Very much like you.." O'shay said. He was then thrown to the side of the car when Astro turned a sharp corner.

You shot at a man and flipped over to the next. You jumped onto his neck and squeezed your thighs together, suffocating him. You clasped your hands together and brought your combined fist down onto his head, he had passed out making you fall down to the ground with him.

Astro swerved the car towards you, and you quickly jumped up onto it. You hit the hood of the car. Astro stopped for a second and made eye contact with you as you got up. Astro then began to drive again and you ran up to the top of the car and slid in through the small part on the roof.

You landed in the backseat with doctor O'shay. "(Y/N), are you alright?" He asked you. The car was being shot at and was damaging it quite badly. You quickly leaped over to O'shay and cover his head from the back window with your arm. A bullet thankfully hit you and not O'shay. You cried out and pulled back. You sucked on the bullet wound and spat the bullet out.

"Hold on!" Astro told. He sped up, going towards one of the gate exits. You leaned back and made sure O'shay was alright and not hurt. Astro sped up and hit the gate, forcing it open. The hit from the gate made you throw your head against your chair. You let out a grunt and shut your eyes tightly.

Astro clenched his teeth together. He then saw the train, if he could get past that before the others, then they wouldn't be able to get them, it would be like a wall blocking them. He narrowed his eyes at the train and sped up.

You looked to the side of the car and saw two men on bikes at each side. They closed in on the car, your hand turned into a arm cannon again and you charged it up before releasing a large shot at the mans bike, blowing it up. The other biker, managed to get on the back of the car. you went to the back and shot a laser at him, breaking a hole into the glass.

After the bikers, two cars came to both sides of your limo. You looked at both of them as your arm cannon folded back out into a hand.

Astro looked to the side as he became closer to the train. He quickly swerved the wheel pushing the other car into the train, and pushing his all the way across it. "We made it.." He breathed.

Between the carts, you could catch a small glimpse of Alexander standing on top of a car, staring back at you all. Astro looked back, the train would be driving on for hours from how long it was. He sighed in relief. You peaked your head to the front area of the limo to stare at Alexander too. Astro stared the car. "Sit back." He told you, pushing back in with O'shay. He then drove off, leaving only dust in the wind.

Alexander grinned and placed his hands behind his back. He looked to his side to speak to one of his men. "Bring me our new tracker." He told.

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