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O'shay's bedroom door opened to reveal a small stature, exactly the height of Astro. He must've been coming in to take you to both of your bedrooms to sleep. The robot looked over to you to see you on the floor curled up while holding a iPod in your hands. O'shay turned to glance at him.

"Hey, don't wake her yet. Let her sleep for one more hour." O'shay said, he then turned back around to his side facing away from Astro. "You know, Astro? This was without a doubt... The most perfect night I've had in a very long time." He smiled. You opened your eyes and blinked a few times, you didn't move, you wanted O'shay to think you were still sleeping. Astro moved closer to O'shay. "I hope one day, we can all live together like this." O'shay turned his body over to face Astro. The light from the door behind him covered Astro's face in darkness. "Just the three of us.." Astro put his hand on O'shay's shoulder, turning him over more, he placed his hand on O'shay's chest. "Astro.."

O'shay felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gasped for breaths but found it hard to breath. Suddenly, O'shay started too bleed out of his chest. You, out of no-where, jumped onto the robots back and clawed at his neck. You shot his back as you rode him. He slammed you into the back wall and then threw your body across to the other side of the room, you slammed against it and fell limp.

Neil came into the room with a bat and saw O'shay bleeding out and you on the floor. He then looked at the robot, it was dark with bits of red on it. He gripped the bat and swung it at him. The robot's face flung back but he didn't stumble. The robot walked up the Neil and punched through his stomach, a sharp item was on the end of his fist allowing him to penetrate Neil.


"You said you only needed the girl!" Reno yelled, shaking his cage bars.

Rose and Alexander watched a screen that showed everything through the robots eyes. Alexander watched with intent as the boy dropped to the floor, dead. 

"I told you I would bring new tools to bare." Rose said. Reno looked away from the camera at the bloody scene. "Your friends had every chance, so did you."


You were chained up to titanium bars. Your hands were forced together and so were your legs. As the robot carried you, Neil's mother came in with a gun calling for Nate. She saw you trapped and held by the robot. He was beefy, and he looked like Astro, but he wasn't there something not right about his eyes. "Put her down." She demanded.


Will placed the tools down at the veranda in front of the house and walked in as Astro went to the car and almost started it, he saw some horses going crazy but decided to shrug it off.

"Honey?" Will opened the door and closed it behind him.

"Stay down there Will!" Catherine cried out. Will's eyes widened as he heard you screaming and a gunshot. He ran upstairs to see you cuffed up and screaming with wide eyes, as his wife laid dead on the floor next to you.

"Catherine!" Will tried to dive to his lover but the large robot grabbed his neck. An unsatisfying crack was heard as the robot squeezed down on Will's neck. The robot let go of Will, making him drop back down the stairs. You screamed again as the robot picked you up. You tried to wriggle your strapped down body, but you couldn't.

Astro burst in through the door and saw Will wheezing on the floor. He then heard the steps creaking and looked up to see a black and red robot venturing down the steps with a tight grip on you. He eyed Astro and walked around him to the exit. Astro stared at the lookalike with wide eyes. He didn't move, you kept screaming as hard as your could, but Astro didn't budge. The robot walked out,

"O-O'shay!" Astro snapped out of it and ran upstairs. "O'SHAY!" He zoomed upstairs and paused for a moment at the two dead family members. He staggered into O'shay's room and almost fell down when he saw O'shay laying down with a red stained chest.

He grabbed a bit of the blanket and put it on O'shay's chest as his eye's were widened and never budged back to normal.

"Hold this to stop the bleeding." He put O'shay's hands over his chest to stop anymore blood from oozing out. He put his arms around O'shay to pick him up. "It wasn't me, it wasn't me.." He kept murmuring.


"Here Atlas comes!" Rose looked out the door of the van at the robot that was coming with you in his claws, screaming your voice box out.

"I can pick him up, meet him half way." Alexander said.

"No, no." Rose shook her head. "Let him come to us."

Reno looked out the back of the van's window from inside his cage, his eyes widened at the sight. Rose noticed his glare.

"We struggled with X-25s. You see, because they are children... We can raise them without consciousness. But you can't nurture rage. You simply design it."

Behind 'Atlas' drove in two cars. He dropped you and turned around to face them.

"Now who the fuck is that?" Alexander looked out the window of the van they were in.

"Will Munson!" A familiar cowboy got out of one of the cars.


Astro held O'shay close and and brought him downstairs with a bit of blanket still around him. "H-Hold on O'shay!" Astro sniffled bringing him out of the house. He carried O'shay back to their car and put him in the very back.


"Munson, goddammit, come out here! Munson! Come here now!" The cowboy called out. Atlas walked up to them, the dark sky making him look even more menacing. "There's that asshole." The cowboy spotted him. "Hey, asshole! Listen, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones."

Your terrified eyes frantically scanned the area, looking for a way out and maybe a way to break the cuffs.

"I do not know what Munson's paying you.. but Canewood can start you at Five G. A week that is." Atlas stepped closer to which the man pulled out a pistol and aimed it at him. "You better stay where you are pal. I'm the law out here." The man shot at Atlas, but it did little to no damage.

"No no no." Rose gasped.

Atlas's hands bolted with massive amounts of energy, you could see the amounts of energy sizzling from his hands. "What in-!" Atlas leaped at the man and wrapped his hands around him, suddenly lighting was sent through his body from Atlas's hands. Wounds started to rip through the cowboy's skin as burn marks appeared from where Atlas was touching him.

"Oh shit!"

"Shoot him!"

"We need to intervene!" Rose panicked.

"Well he only listens to you, Doc." Alexander shrugged. Rose huffed and ran out of the van.

"Atlas! Atlas stop! Get back here!" She cried. "Stop! Stop now!"


"Hold this down, right here." Astro pushed his O'shay's hand down onto his chest. "Don't let anymore blood out." 

"O-Our.." O'shay tapped the car.


"Our boat.." O'shay's breathing became slow, and died down until it was undetectable. Astro's eyes widened. O'shay's chest wasn't heaving, his eyes were closed, and there was no more blood spilling out. He was almost peaceful.

"No..." Astro put his hand on O'shay's head. "Doctor.. D-Doctor please..." Astro closed his eyes, letting a few tears slip out. "Doctor!"

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now