Welcome To M.O.S

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"We understand the importance of the containment of experiment X25 and all the others, Dr. Quartss, but you can not leave a war zone behind." A general followed behind Rose as she walked through a demented hospital.

"Try to remind yourself that these are killing machines. Killing machines that will happily disembowel your family." Rose told. 

"Not all." The general stoped walking. Rose turned around to the man with a scowl.

"I was told you want these robots back, dead or alive. Are you changing my orders?" Rose questioned.

"No." The general replied.

"Right then." She turned around and continued walking.

Rose passed Alexander and handed him a screwdriver, which he took from her and used it to fix his robot arm. He sat at his desk tinkering at his arm. Alex moved his robot arm up and down, it was back to working.


Astro drove along a dusty road with his head tilted to the side, he was trying not to fall asleep. Astro dosed off, letting the car drive off the road. Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed onto the wheel, making Astro wake up.

"Hey.." He pulled your hand away from the wheel. You watched him as he tried to keep his eyes wide enough to not fall asleep. 

"You have to sleep." You told.


"Let me drive."

"Absolutely not." Astro tiredly stared at the road. You looked at him, taking in his features and comparing them to your own, you both look oddly similar. "Quite looking at me.." Astro told, thinking you were staring at his wounds. 

You mumbled something to Astro, but he didn't really understand. "What?"

"You are dying." You spoke louder. "You want to die. Doctor O'shay told me."

"What else did he tell you?" Astro was too drained to be angry.

"Do not let you."

Astro looked straight ahead as his eyes started to close. The car started going off the track, you leaned forward and grabbed the wheel to steer it into the right direction. There was a bump that woke Astro up. "(Y/N)." He tried to take your hands off the wheel, but you turned off the car and sat back in your seat.

"Rest." You said. Astro didn't bother trying to say no, he leaned on your chair and almost immediately went to sleep.


Later that night, Astro had managed to fall on your lap. You allowed him to sleep on you. You didn't mind it. You were looking at the sun setting and the stars rising up. Astro moved a little closer to you, making you look down at him. While he was this close to you, you got to get a good look at him, his button nose, his closed eyes. You placed your hand under his head and moved yourself from your seat. You opened the car door and got out carefully, as to not wake the sleeping angel.

You walked around to the drivers seat of the car and pushed Astro's legs off the chair. You got into the drivers seat and started the car. You had been watching Astro drive, so you knew how to do it yourself, you were very observant.


Astro awoke with the blinding sun hitting his eyes. He got up from his sleeping position with a groan. He looked around, and not seeing you in the car with him got him a little scared. He fiddled to open the door and stepped out of the car.

He looked around him at the unfamiliar place. Had you driven him here? Had he slept for two days straight? Astro was still in a desert, with little to no plants growing and no animals.

"Astro!" You called out to him. You were standing atop a steep hill that you must've flown onto. "Astro!" You waved your arms to him. He looked up and shielded his eyes from the blinding sun. "Astro! Fly up here!" Astro looked up to where you seemed to be going to, there was a wooden cabin sitting on top of the mountain, there were people- no- kids, walking around the cabin.

Before Astro could take another step towards you, he collapsed onto the floor.


Astro woke up again to some kids shouting, and cheering. He opened his eyes to see you holding him, and he was very high off the ground.

"Well what do you know! It's Astro 2.0!"

"And looks like she brought the real deal with her."

You cut off your rockets and landed next to the cabin. Many children watched and looked at Astro strangely.

"He's hurt." You told.


Astro woke up again with someone trying to put a cold cloth on his head. He grabbed their hand before they could touch him. He sat up and let them go. "Where.. Where am I?" He looked down at his chest to see it was opened with a bottle of green liquid connected to him. "What is this??" He pulled it out of his chest. He must admit though, he felt a lot better.

"We stole it from where we came from. They gave it to us to make us stronger when we fought." A older looking robot explained to Astro. She looked to be the oldest and most mature. She had blue hair in pigtails that went upwards. She had a gold gem between her bangs and dark blue armour.

"It makes you crazy, that's what it does." Astro said. "It'll kill you."

"Not if you use it in small doses. It's giving you energy." The girl looked like a knight, a blue knight. "I'm Blues." She introduced herself.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Astro asked, looking around for you.

"She's sleeping, do you want me to wake her up?" A young man with green hair and pale skin asked.

"No." Astro leaned back.


Astro tossed and turned in his sleep. He sat up quickly with wide eyes. He sucked in a breath and grabbed his chest. He turned to see you sitting on a bed close to his.

"You had a nightmare." You told. Astro laid back down.

"Do you have nightmares?" You nodded.

"Yes." You looked down. "People hurt me."

"Mine are different." Astro looked up at the ceiling. "I hurt people." He paused. "I'm just being reminded of everything I've become.."

You walked up to Astro slowly and held his hand. "I've hurt people too."

"You're going to have to learn how to live with that." Astro squeezed your hand.

"They were bad people."

"All the same.." Astro slowly closed his eyes.

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now