So This Is What It feels Like

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Reno heaved his chest up and down as he looked up at the ceiling. Gravity seemed to be pushing him down, he felt like his chest would cave in at any second. A women in a white lab coat came and sat beside Reno's cage.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Quartss, but you can just call me Rose if you'd like." She had red curly hair and brown eyes. "My colleague tells me that you've been somewhat, resistant. He believes you've been despising delayed information to allow your friends to stay one step ahead." She told.

Reno looked down and shook his head.

"I'm offering you redemption, Reno. To protect the world, and in the process, save your friends." The women adjusted her glasses. "The girl is a rather small price to pay for that."

Reno looked up to the doctor and smashed his fists on the cage. She did not flinch though. "I've done what I could! But your men cut me and beat me!" Reno punched the cage again. "Your colleagues are savages!" 

Rose giggled. "I agree young man. The Reavers were very ineffective. But, I bring new tools for you to bare." Reno squinted his eyes at her then turned away.

"No, I can't help you." He shook his head and fell over. Rose opened the cage door and placed a hand on his back.

"Breath Reno, breath." She said. "I'm going to help you, help me."


"Do you want to say grace baby?" The mother asked her son.

"Okay." He smiled and nodded. "Uhm.. Thank you God, for this food, and.. for our new friends."

"Mhm, they came to our aid." The African american mother placed her hand on her sons. He smiled up at her and nodded.

"Amen." Everyone said.

You dug away at your food, and by dug, and mean you used your hands to scoop up the meal. Astro tensed up and quickly tapped you on the shoulder and passed you a fork. You froze and then took the fork. The family eyed each other and the son almost giggled from how you ate your food.

O'shay passed a bowl of corn to you and you took it. You used the spoon to scoop up some corn and dump it on your plate. You got two spoonfuls and before you could get the next spoonful, Astro quickly took the bowl away from you. You looked up at him with a poker face as a bit of corn fell from your spoon.

"W-Well, there's plenty more if she wants some." The mother said.

"She's fine." Astro shook his head. "Thank you." You shoved some more food in your already full mouth.

"This is delicious." O'shay smiled. "So good."

"Thank you." The mother smiled.

"Where are ya'll heading?" The father questioned.


"-North Dakota." O'shay and Astro spoke at the same time.

"Erm..." Astro clenched his teeth.

"Well, Orgeon then North Dakota." O'shay smiled.

"Ah, vacation." The mother nodded.

"Yes." O'shay smiled. "Long overdue." Astro sat up straight and eyed O'shay. "We city folk always want to take a road trip. To see the country." O'shay then gestured to the family. "And meet the people in it."

"Well that sounds lovely." The mother reached over the table to grab some corn. "I've been trying to get Will here to take a vacation."

The father groaned. "If you take a trip of the whole country, who is gonna take care of this place?"

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now