She's The Only He Has Left

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Reno slipped his hand in a small hole under his cage to grab a pack of grenades while Alexander was telling some soldiers how to deal with Atlas.

Rose was still screaming at Atlas, telling him to stop. He had killed the last man and then turned around to look at the doctor. "Pick her up!" She shouted. Atlas growled. You quickly snapped your head to face Atlas, whom stared down at you. He began walking towards you, making you cry out in alarm. You tried to move some more, you tried to do anything, but nothing helped you escape.

Reno heard your young cries and quickly snatched up two grenades. He flicked the safety pin off then and threw them a Alexander. He then quickly ducked to the floor, covering himself with a blanket he had. Alexander felt the bomb hit him and his eyes widened once he saw two of them.

Alexander quickly pushed past the guards and jumped out. He was throw out even further by the explosion. Atlas stepped back from the heat of the car and Rose fell down in surprise. You stared at the burning car and then turned back to Atlas whom was leering over you now, not caring about the heat. Before you could scream once again, Astro dashed over and punched Atlas right in the jaw making him stumble way from you.

Astro let out cried as he continuously punched and shot at Atlas with his arm cannon, pushing him further and further away from you. Astro shot at Atlas's chest, but this time, Atlas didn't budge. Astro's eyes widened.

"What the hell are you?!" Astro snarled through gritted teeth. Atlas punched Astro right in his chest, since there was something sharp on Atlas's fist, it pierced right through Astro. Astro grabbed onto Atlas's hand but before he could rip it away, Atlas grabbed Astro's neck and threw him onto the ground. Atlas's hand charged with electricity and he was about to go down and grab Astro, but Astro realised that his touch would be fatal. And aimed his arm cannon at Atlas's hand and shot. Atla's hand flew back, and before he could try and hit Astro again, Astro rolled to the side and got up, hitting Atlas over the side of his head.

From a distance, Rose pushed herself up weakly. She watched in awe as the gory scene unravelled in front of her.

Atlas slashed away at Astro's, shoving him into a nearby tree. Astro leaned on the tree for only a seconds worth of rest before turning around and shooting Atlas. Atlas tripped back but jumped over to astro, grabbing his cannon arm and twisting it. Astro cried out as an unsatisfying pop and crack erupted from his joint. Atlas punched his side and threw him into the round.

Astro groaned as he watched Atlas charge himself up to finish him off. The smaller robot struggled to keep his eyes open as his systems started malfunctioning from the beating he had been taking.

Just as Atlas was about to strike Astro, a car zoomed past them, hitting Atlas and throwing him onto a nearby fence and impaling him. The car door opened revealing the father getting out. It was Will. His head hung to the side like he couldn't hold it up on it's own.

He had a shotgun in his hand and he aimed it at Atlas, shooting him several times until the robot was no longer groaning or moving. Astro rolled over to his side and pushed himself up as Will turned over to him. Will clicked his gun and aimed it at Astro. Astro looked like he could fall to the ground at any moment and just never get up, and so did Will. Will pulled the trigger on his gun, but he'd used all of his ammunition on Atlas. Will looked at Astro one last time before he fell to his knees, then to the floor. He was surely dead this time.

Astro looked down at the dead man in pure sorrow. A scream suddenly reminded him that it wasn't over. You wailed for Astro, while tugging on your chains to make some noise. Astro turned his head to look at you and limped over to you slowly. He fell to the floor and groaned, but he pushed himself back up and towards you. His arm was listless and seemed to be dislocated. As he got closer to you, he bent down and picked you up. You let out a fearful whine as he held you up gently. He slowly walked you over to the car and placed you in the seat next to him. You sat up and looked to the back seat to check for O'shay. Your eyes widened as you saw his dead body in the back. You screamed in anger as the only man who showed you kindness had passed away. You wriggled around until Astro pushed you back down.

Rose pushed herself up and wiped the blood from her lip. She watched as you both made your escape. Astro had beaten Atlas and managed to get away, and especially with you.

"Sit down!" Astro ordered, starting the car. Your screams echoed as loud as the car's engine, as Astro sped off into the cornfield. You banged your fists on the car door as your chains made noises. Astro turned to look at you and then back at the road. "Hold still." He said, aiming his finger at you. You continued to shake your head and kick like a toddler. "Hold still!" Astro shot a small laser at you, breaking past your chains. You stopped screaming and kicking as you and Astro looked at each other. You were mad, so was he, but behind both of your eyes was sadness. You were exactly the same.

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