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"Who are you?" Astro asked, looking rear-vision mirror at you. Your hand traced one of the bullet holes in the car window. "Hey, I asked you a question, who are you?" He asked, turning back to face you.

You sat down and looked at him, your (E/C) eyes flashing a light brown in the sunlight. Astro turned back to face the road. He looked at your through the rear-vision mirror again.

"You know who she is, Astro." O'shay said.

"No. I don't!" Astro said, gripping tightly onto the car wheel.

"My name is (Y/N).." You told, your hair blowing in the wind from the half shot open window.  Astro furrowed his brow and kept his eyes on the road.

"Does she remind you of anyone, Astro?" O'shay asked. Astro's chest heaved up and down, he was beginning to stress out. His frantic glances from the mirror to the road made his head spin.


Reno was dragged inside the shed area of the house. Alexander brought out a chair and the soldiers made Reno sit on it while holding his hand behind his back. Alexander bent down to look at Reno. Alex grinned and almost laughed. "You know I heard about you when I was a kid." He said.

"I believe you're thinking of someone else." Reno said. Alex nodded and shrugged, he then curled his hand up into a fist and smacked it across Reno's face, and it was his robot hand too. Reno let out a cry as his cheek started to bleed.

"Now if I'm not mistaken, you used to work for my company. Making robots and what not." Alexander pulled out a chair in front of Reno and sat down. "What changed? You got religion?"

Reno didn't reply.

"I'm going to need you to help me do one more thing for the good guys... and track one special robot." He grinned.

"I'm not helping you." Reno hissed.

"Of course you'd say that." Alexander nodded. "But I got a theory that people don't really change." He said. Alexander then pulled out a pocket knife, the blade flicking out. Reno's eyes widened.

Alex walked up to Reno and unbuttoned his shirt just a small bit to reveal his chest. Reno shook his head no as Alex placed the blade on his chest. "Now let's not bring out the worst in each other." He said, Reno yelled out in pain as Alex started to cut down his chest. "The girl is not worth it, trust me. She's a business mistake, R&D gone bad. There's a liability, they can't have things with weapons running around hurting people, can they?" Reno's chest started to ooze out blood. "We need to get her off the board before she hurts anybody else. Someone you care about..." Alex made one more flick of the knife cutting into Reno's chest once again.


"My mothers  name was (M/N) (L/N). She was a nurse, and for 10 years she worked for Transigen research in Mexico City. Transigen is owned by an American company." You told as Astro and O'shay sat opposite you in the back of the limo. "What I'm about to show you, is illegal in the US and Canada." Your eyes widened as they shon out a blue light onto the floor, it was like a projection, something you would see in the cinema. Only your memories were the movie. Your projection showed kids in white clothes lining up and walking through halls from your point of view. The area around look like a demented hospital. "They lied to the nurses." You told. "They may have been poor. But they were not dumb."

Astro and O'shay looked at the projection with intent, the more you told, the more they frowned. 

"These robots were made in Transigen." You said, flicking to a glance of when you saw a robot being made in a lab. "We were made there, and had never left. We had never seen the sun or the ocean... rain or snow... or any of God's creatures." You blinked and changed the projection to robots, including yourself, being put in cells. "We have no names... No parents.. We were raised in contained rooms." You blinked again, flicking to another memory, this one was of a kid jumping onto the chain wall of the cell he was kept in, he had green hair and bright blue eyes with something red on his forehead.

Astro looked up at you, followed by O'shay stare as well.

"The only people that cared about us were the nurses, like my mother, but the workers would tell them off for loving us." You flicked to a man hitting a nurse. "We do not dress them up, we do not call them baby, or kiss wounds, do not think of them as children, think of them as things. With patterns and copyrights." You repeated what the man was saying. You blinked, and this time, you were in a training room, next in line for some training. The robot in front of you was a older looking girl with blue hair and blue body armour. She was sent in while you watched from the window of the closed door. A man yelled at her to use her abilities and quickly, sword blades shot out of her wrist and she stabbed a few test dummies before looking towards the man who yelled at her and stabbed him.

When you blinked again. This time, you were on a apportion table, doctors leaning over you, tinkering at your chest, placing in you a black liquid with needles. O'shay gasped shakily at how badly you were being abused in the facility. You blinked again, only for the small slideshow to stop. Astro took off his glaces and looked away, he was clearly mad.

"I need energy." You said, your eyes fading back to (E/C).

"Er.. Yes, you can go get some food from inside the shop." O'shay pointed to the gas station. You nodded.

"She gets energy from food?" Astro asked as you left to go inside.

"Yes." O'shay nodded. "Although, it's not a very good energy source."

Astro clenched onto his chest. He really didn't want to think about his own energy. He watched you leave and sighed, sitting back into his seat.

"North Dakota.." O'shay mumbled.

"Mh." Astro nodded.

"You took that women's money.. You said you would take her there." O'shay reminded him. Astro looked at you as you entered the store, he had seen that under your jacket was a black top genetically modified to your skin and you most likely had the same thing for bike shorts. Just like he had. You also had the same weapons he did. Why were you so much like him?

"What is she?" Astro asked.

"She's a copy of you, Astro." O'shay said. "She's your clone."

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now