Packing Your Bags

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Astro woke up to some robot kids giggling over him. He sat up making them step back and hide markers behind their backs. Astro touched his faced and looked at his hand, it had ink on it. He got off the bed and walked to a dusty mirror to see little things were drawn on his face. He wiped it off and started to scold the kids until Blues walked past him and out of the cabin.

"Hey! Blues!" He called out to her. "How long have I been in that bed?" Astro walked after her, but she didn't stop for him.

"Two days." She told. She walked up to a large robot who was packing something. "Hey, Jupiter, go inside and help with some heavy lifting." She said to the robot.

"You've been sitting here for two days? You can't do that, you can't just stay here." Astro told.

"We waited because it was the plan. Everyone had until today to get here." Blues pointed to the ground, then began walking again to a small watch tower a few feet ahead.

"If you keep waiting, Alexander will find you and he will kill you all." Astro stopped walking after her. 

"We're leaving tomorrow before dawn." Blues walked up to the top of the tower using the stairs. "We are going to cross the boarder."


You were on a lookout using some binoculars while a robot friend of yours, Solar, sat on the railing next to you.

"See any bad weather coming along?" Solar asked, moving back his straight green hair out of his eyes. You pulled away the binoculars and shook your head no at him. He smiled and nodded. You and Solar were very close, he had a soft, playful personality and he loved to hear himself talk. Solar was a replica of the robot Epsilon, meaning he had the ability to do weather manipulation, Marine Communication and water current detection. He also can shoot a light powered laser through a red band on his head. Right now, Solar had his 'wings' out, they were retractable and sort of make him look like a bug. Although, on the way to M.O.S, they got damaged only allowing him to hover.

Behind you and Solar, was Blues who was standing next to Jupiter. Jupiter was a robot who was created from Pluto's blueprints allowing him to have a large amount of strength and be able to create small bombs and missiles in his chest. He had hard hair with some of it tied in a ponytail with a gold crown around his face. He looked a lot like Pluto but more humanised. His skin was a dark colour and his armour was mostly bits of gold and dark green.

Blues walked next to you, and Jupiter followed behind her. Jupiter was always around Blues, he was much like a bodyguard. Solar turned back to look at the two and smiled. "Just like old times, huh?"

"Except this time we're almost free." Blues looked out to the sky. She was made in the image of The Blue Knight, making her noble and only care for robots (Mostly the robots that came from the facility). Instead of wielding one sword around, some great scientist had the idea to implant two swords into her forearms. They were retractable and always made a 'snikt' noise as they ejected from her arms. Blues' special power was to charge up electric shots through her body that made red sparks sizzle around her body. She was rumoured to be the strongest robot that was ever created.

"We'll make it across. We have to." Jupiter stated. Blues then frowned and looked out to a forest that cut off the desert land.

"Look to you right (Y/N)." She said. You put up the binoculars again and looked to your right. "Do you see the woods?"

"Yes." You reported.

"Its a 8 miles hike up there." Blues said.

"Do you see that pass too?" Jupiter asked.

"Mhm." You responded.

"That's the boarder." Jupiter said.

"That's where we'll be safe." Solar added. You put the binoculars down and looked behind you. The others followed your gazed to see Astro leaning on the railing. Jupiter and Solar turned back to look at the view.

Blues walked to a cabinet and opened it to reveal stacks of cash. "(Y/N) told me everything you did for her." She handed the money to Astro. "She was lucky to have you." Astro didn't take the money. "Take it. She says it's yours." Astro looked at you. The wind was blowing in your hair, coving half of your face. "It's why you did it right?"

"No, I-I don't need it. You do." Astro told. Blues pulled it away from him.

"Suit yourself." She put it back.

Astro glanced at you one last time before turning around and leaving to go help around.


Later that night, Jupiter had set up a campfire. Blues placed her fist close to the pile of sticks and wood. A sword slashed out of her forearm. Some kids looked at the robot from a distance and whispered about how cool her abilities were. Jupiter brought a large piece of wood and placed it on the fire.

"That should be enough, light it up." Jupiter took a seat on a log two metres away from the fire and watched Blues point her sword at the unlit camp fire. Before a second could pass, red electricity buzzed around her body, the electricity moved from her body to her arm and through her sword, the electricity blasted through her sword and onto the wood, starting a large fire that was the perfect size.

As the sun set, the robots brought out food and whatever energy sources they could find to cook and eat over the fire.

Astro watched from inside the cabin window at all of the robot kids. You opened the door to the cabin and walked in, getting Astro's attention.

"Your friends. They seem nice." Astro said. "That reminds me of, uh.." Astro trailed off when you walked straight past him angrily. He quickly grabbed your hand. "Hey, what's going on?" You snatched your hand away from him. He furrowed his brow at you. "You're with you family, you made it." He said, not understanding why you weren't happy.

"Where will you go?"

Astro's eyes softened and he sighed. "I don't know. Nearest bar and get started." His statement made you turn away from him in annoyance.

"Hey, I got you here. That's all I signed up for." Astro told, you turned around. "I even gave back the money."

You nodded. "Such a nice man." You spoke with attitude.

"Hey! I never asked for this! O'shay never asked for this! Reno never asked for this!" Astro shook his head. "I don't know what O'shay put in your head. But I am not whatever it is you think I am. Okay? You got everything you wanted, your Laura your Blues your blah blah blah. everything you asked for, you've got it! And it's better this way. Because bad things happen to people I care about."

You blinked a few times and turned your body around. "Then I'll be fine."

The Last Of Me (Astro Boy x Robot Reader)Where stories live. Discover now