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Jungwoo just didn't fit in, that was it

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Jungwoo just didn't fit in, that was it. He wasn't a strong bachelor, nor did he have a job in the quaint village he called home. He walked around the cobblestone streets with a book clutched tightly in his hands, anything ranging from mysteries to romance, and people thought him crazy for it. It was unnatural for a person to know how to read in such an uneducated location, and many didn't know how. Jungwoo sometimes felt as if the only person that could truly understand his obsession with fantasy worlds and detectives was the librarian, who always had a smile on her wrinkly face when Jungwoo walked in the door.

"Hello, Jungwoo," she greeted politely, smoothing her apron as she stood to help Jungwoo find a new selection. "Done with the last three?" She chuckled, taking them from the hands of the interesting boy. He nodded bashfully, eyes roaming over the shelves of novels. He could have sworn he had read them all, but the bright pink spine of a new book caught his eyes, and he unnecessarily rushed to it. The book was light in his hands, lacking size but abundant in pages. The front cover was decorated in beautiful red roses, outlining the title that reminded Jungwoo of a romance novel, and unsurprisingly it was. A tale of two star-crossed lovers, a topic that had always fascinated him.

"I'll take this one," he mumbled shyly, handing the pink-bound book to the elderly lady. She smiled at him and brought the book to her desk that was littered with miscellaneous papers and damaged books. Jungwoo winced when he noticed the book he had dropped in the towns square fountain, stained by the dreaded water. The lady placed a slip in the front of the book telling Jungwoo when it should be back to her and handed the book to its caretaker.

"Have a good day, Jungwoo!" She called out after him, but he was already immersed in the magic that is a good book and was completely oblivious to her kind goodbye. He was completely oblivious to everything, actually, every judging glance and weird stare flew over his head like it was dust. Unfortunately for him, the book also made him unaware of the predator of the village, a handsome and persevering wolf by the name of Jung Jaehyun. Not only was he the villages most eligible and attractive bachelor, but he was also rich and egotistical, caring more about a persons face than their heart.

And he was obsessed with Jungwoo's dainty face, the way his blue hair accented his features and gave him a doll-like appearance. He wanted Jungwoo to be his, but day after day he was rejected by the pretty male, leaving him astounded that someone didn't want him. He could make the queen swoon with a wink, his laugh could make even men question themselves, but Jungwoo was unbothered by it all, finding his efforts to be worthless and in vain.

"Hello, Jungwoo," he purred, saying the same words as the gentle bookkeeper but with a completely different connotation. The seductiveness that the burly man attempted to lace into his voice didn't go unnoticed by Jungwoo and annoyed him. He ignored Jaehyun, rereading the line he had been interrupted during before the book was plucked from his hand as easily as you take candy from a baby.

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