act 8.3

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Footstool barked at the objects that lay scattered around the house, each with a matching frown on their faces

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Footstool barked at the objects that lay scattered around the house, each with a matching frown on their faces.

"What now, boy?" Jaemin sighed tiredly, pushing the hyper stool away from him. Footstool barked frantically and rushed to the window and back like he was running a straight race track.

"Could it be?" Jaemin questioned with muffled hope, alerting the servants around him.

"Is it him?" Kun glanced towards the window, hoping his boy would run through the door with his crooked smile and distinctive chip.

Jaemin ran to the window, hopping on the glass table that sat underneath so he could peer through the fogged glass.

"Sacre bleu, invaders!"

Kun joined him on the table and caught sight of a familiar object gripped in one of the burly men's hands.

"And they have the mirror!"

Renjun gasped at the newfound information.

"Warn the master. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them," he ordered the distressed servants. They shared a look amongst themselves before the cowards fled and the brave stepped forward. Kun hobbled to the stairs and climbed with vigor, not even bothering to knock before throwing himself into his master's study.

"Pardon me, Master."

"Leave me in peace," Lucas requested. His tone wasn't demanding or harsh like Kun was expecting, but heartbroken, almost pleading. Kun could sense Lucas' desperation for him to leave, for fear that he would shatter in front of someone who had only seen him strong.

"The castle is under attack," Kun hissed, while the commotion continued downstairs. The servants tried their best to barricade the door, but the mob was relentless.

"I know you're sad."

The door snaps to pieces, but the mob is met with an empty room, devoid of all activity. Trinkets and figurines are placed on ornate tables, but all other signs of life are gone.

"You miss the one person in this world you've grown to love with all of your heart."

Taeyong stared at the objects in awe, mindlessly picking at their golden accents. He grabbed the candlestick near the door in his shaking hands. Jaemin cued the servants with a subtle nod, and all hell broke loose.

"But this isn't just about you now! My son is gone because of this and I'm not letting you drag us down with you."

Jisung pressed the tempting red button on the contraption, watching with child-like fascination as the ax swung into the basements wooden door. Jungwoo ducked when the blade swung dangerously close to his face.

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