scene 5

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"Who does he think he is?" Jaehyun hissed

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"Who does he think he is?" Jaehyun hissed. "No one says no to Jung Jaehyun!"

"Darn, right," Taeyong agreed sympathetically.

"Dismissed. Rejected. Publicly humiliated. Why it's more than I can bear." Jaehyun turned his chair away from Taeyong's pitying face, letting out a dramatic whine.

"Would you like a beer?" Taeyong asked, holding the frothy mug towards Jaehyun, who spun even farther away from him.

"What for? Nothing will help. I'm disgraced."

"Who, you? Jaehyun, you've got to pull yourself together. Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, Jaehyun, looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here'd love to be you, Jaehyun," Taeyong encouraged, sounding more similar to Shakespeare than anything.

Other guys in the crowded tavern cheered at the statement, noticing their towns pride and joy was upset.

Taeyong took Jaehyun's cocked eyebrow as a sign to continue, knowing he gained his crushes attention.

"There's no man in town as admired as you. You're everyone's favorite guy. Everyone's awed and inspired by you." Taeyong spun the chair around so Jaehyun's face was more visible to the crowd. "And it's not very hard to see why!"

"No one's slick as Jaehyun, no one's quick as Jaehyun. For theirs no man in town half as manly."

A smirk was growing on Jaehyun's face, the compliments fueling his narcissism. Taeyong caught sight of it and continued his odd poetry, snatching a belt from the man next to him and watching as his pants dropped to the wooden floor. He wrapped the chaffed leather around Jaehyun's neck, everyone anticipating the moment it would be snapped off, showcasing Jaehyun's unnatural strength. The belt buckle flew through the tavern like a plane in the sky, landing near the far end of the tavern, much to the amusement of the men inside.

"No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Jaehyun."

"As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating," Jaehyun added.

"Jaehyun is the best and the rest is all drips!" Taeyong cheered, accidentally spilling the beer in his hand on Jaehyun's white button up. The man glared at him before socking him in the face, a normal thing for Taeyong.

"No one fights like Jaehyun," someone yelled.

"For there's no one as burly and brawny," the girls purred, one reaching out a hesitant finger to stroke the biceps that Jaehyun was flexing.

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