act 6.2

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Renjun looked at his face in the hallways elaborately carved mirror

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Renjun looked at his face in the hallways elaborately carved mirror.

"Well, would you look at the time. Off to bed, off to bed!"

"Oh, I couldn't possibly go to bed now. It's my first time in an enchanted castle," Jungwoo whined like a young child begging his father to let him stay up.

"Enchanted? Who said anything about it being enchanted?" Renjun asked, before turning to Jaemin with a glare. "It was you, wasn't it!"

Jaemin gasped at the accusation and the two began to bicker, throwing low blows at each other. Jungwoo coughed to interrupt their argument whose topic had now switched to whether cats or dogs were better.

"I, um, figured it out for myself."

Water dripping on a snowy day didn't freeze as fast as their fight, and with surprising grace, the two collected themselves. Jaemin flashed Jungwoo a cheerful smile, relighting his wax candles.

"I'd like to look around, if that's all right," Jungwoo questioned uncertainly, not knowing what would trigger another disagreement between the candlestick and clock.

"Oh! Would you like a tour?" Jaemin seemed to light up, literally and figuratively, at the suggestion.

"Wait a second, wait a second." Renjun leaned closer to Jaemin, "We can't have him poking around in certain places, if you know what I mean," he whispered. Jungwoo prodded Renjun's stomach with an annoyed grin.

"Perhaps you should take me then. I'm sure you know everything there is to know about the castle." Although the statement sounded like a compliment, Renjun could sense the displeasure and sarcasm dripping from Jungwoo's words like honey.

"Well, actually, I do! Follow me." He waved Jungwoo and Jaemin along, waddling away from the confinements of the kitchen and out into the open layout of the large castle.

"As you can see, the pseudo facade was stripped away to reveal a minimalist rococo design. Note the unusual inverted vaulted ceilings. This is yet another example of the neo-classic baroque period, and as I always say, if it's not baroque, don't fix it! Ha ha ha. Now then, where was I?" Renjun turned to assure himself that his audience was still attentive when a movement caught his eye. The shiny suits of armor lining the elegant hallway were watching Jungwoo with a childlike curiosity.

"As you were!" Renjun hissed, and the metal once again stood rigid.

"Now, if I may draw your attention to the flying buttresses above the - Jungwoo?" Renjun and Jaemin spared a glance at each other before rushing up the grand staircase where Jungwoo was currently ascending.

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