act 8.1

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Lucas sighed as the water ran over him in waves, smoothing his skin and his tension

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Lucas sighed as the water ran over him in waves, smoothing his skin and his tension.

"Tonight is the night!" Jaemin yelled as he placed a towel on the bathroom sink, the fabric getting dangerously close to catching fire.

"I don't think I can do this," Lucas mumbled, staring at Jaemin with a desperate gaze.

Jaemin waved his candle in dismissal. "You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring."

"Bold. Daring," Lucas repeated uncertainly, stepping from the hot bath. He wrapped the fluffy towel around his waist and shook his hair off, water flying around the bathroom in small droplets. Jaemin hissed as his flames died down from the miniscule water droplets. Lucas gives him a guilty smile, and Jaemin is obligated to forgive him, for he had never truly seen the man smile, and certainly not forgivingly.

"There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and when the time is right, you confess your love."

"Yes, I- no, no I can't." Lucas slumped in defeat, his confidence short-lived.

"You care for him, don't you?"

"More than anything."

Jaemin looked at Lucas like he was a jigsaw puzzle, deciding where the pieces fit and what the bigger picture was. He was pleased to find that he finally grasped what the final image was supposed to be, and Jungwoo was the missing piece that had kept him from realizing all these years. Even stuck in a house of servants, Lucas was lonely. Not the physical type of lonely, but the one that stems from deep in your chest, growing from the fear of never finding someone to love. Luckily, for Lucas, Jungwoo was a pretty skilled gardener and had plucked the foolish weed from his heart with ease.

"Well, then you must tell him," Jaemin coaxed gently. Lucas groaned in annoyance and walked into his adjoining room. Coatrack stood with scissors clutched between his arms and despite his lack of face, Lucas could sense the smirk the object was giving him. He sat on the bed reluctantly and allowed the object to do as it pleased to his hair, which he deeply regretted when he turned to his mirror and caught sight of the giant pigtails adorning his head.

"Voila! You look so... so..." Jaemin was trying to find a word to nicely explain his master's new style.

"Stupid," Lucas finished for him, glaring at the unbothered Coatrack.

"Not quite the word I was looking for." Jaemin directed his attention to the coatrack. "A little more off the top."

As the object resumed it's snipping, Renjun waddled into the room, faking a dramatic cough to gain everyone's attention.

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