scene 3

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"Jungwoo's gonna be so surprised, right Jaehyun," Taeyong, Jaehyun's closest friend who was obviously in love with the boy, laughed

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"Jungwoo's gonna be so surprised, right Jaehyun," Taeyong, Jaehyun's closest friend who was obviously in love with the boy, laughed.

"Yep, this is his lucky day!" Jaehyun winked and moved the branch that was blocking his way to Jungwoo's cottage. He let go of it, sending it swinging into Taeyong's face, and causing the audience behind him to erupt into laughter.

"I would like to thank you all for coming to my wedding," Jaehyun addresses the crowd, all dolled up in their suits and dresses. "But first I must go propose to the boy!" Laughter surges through the audience like a tidal wave, some of the women laughing through their sobs.

"Now you, Taeyong," Jaehyun turns his attention to his eager friend, "when Jungwoo and I walk out that door..."

"Oh, I know!" Taeyong yells, signaling the band to begin playing "Here Comes the Bride."

"Not yet, you fool," Jaehyun hissed, slapping the boy on the back of his head.

"Sorry," Taeyong giggles bashfully, the mean touch still sending butterflies to his stomach.

Meanwhile, Jungwoo sat comfortably in his living room chair with the mud-stained romance novel resting on his crossed legs. He was oblivious to the commotion outside his cottage window, the intimate world invading his senses. A knock on the door caught him off guard, and he stood from his chair, begrudgingly dog-earring his page and going to answer it. The only person who ever came to his house was Jaehyun and his father, but his dad never knocked. Jungwoo was unsurprised to find a cocky Jaehyun leaning against his doorframe and resisted the urge to slam the door in his face.

"Jaehyun, what a pleasant... surprise," Jungwoo plastered a fake smile on his face, one that seemed to fuel Jaehyun's ego. The man walked in like he owned the house, and Jungwoo, much to his annoyance.

"Aren't I always? You know, there's not a person in this town, Jungwoo, who wouldn't love to be in your shoes right now. This is the day," Jaehyun paused to examine himself in Jungwoo's mirror, "this is the day your dreams come true."

Jungwoo rolled his eyes, "what do you know about my dreams, Jaehyun?"

"Everything." Jaehyun plops himself on Jungwoo's armchair, emitting a wince from the boy, kicking off his muddy boots onto the spotless floor. His feet rested atop Jungwoo's book, his toes poking through the holes in his dirty socks. Everything about Jaehyun screamed disgusting to Jungwoo, who valued a respectable and clean man.

"Picture this, a rustic hunting lounge, deer roasting on the fire, and my little wife, massaging my toes while our little ones run around with our dogs."

"Did you just call me your wife?" Jungwoo hissed, being very positive about his gender.

"We'll have six or seven," Jaehyun continues, ignoring Jungwoo's comment on his story.


"No, boys! Strong boys like me," Jaehyun tried to add a subtle flex, but Jungwoo thought he looked more like a spazzing fish than anything.

"Imagine that." Jungwoo snatched his book from under Jaehyun's legs, letting them hit the table underneath. He placed it neatly on the shelf, the plethora of books creating a beautiful literature rainbow.

"And do you know who that wife will be?" Jaehyun asked as he rubbed his sore heel.

"Let me think." Jungwoo pretended to think while Jaehyun rose from the chair, a furious expression on his face. He corners Jungwoo between the bookshelf and the wall, placing his hands on either side of the boy's slim figure.

"You, Jungwoo," Jaehyun whispered, leaning a bit too close for comfort. Jungwoo panicked and slipped under the man's arm, patting his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Jaehyun, I'm flattered really," Jungwoo feigns bashfulness as he inches his way towards the front door.

"Say you'll marry me, Jungwoo," Jaehyun pleaded, shoving tables and jumping over chairs to get to him. Jungwoo continued to back away until he felt his head hit the door, one hand resting on the doorknob. Jaehyun trapped him again, leaning all his weight against the door, unaware of Jungwoo's plan.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun, I'm just not good enough for you." Jungwoo twists the handle and the door swings outward, taking Jaehyun's body with it. The man lands in the muddy streets as the door slams shut, Jungwoo giving him an innocent wave from the safety of his window.

Taeyong stops the band that had begun playing mid-song when he sees Jaehyun land on the ground, a concerned expression overcoming his features.

"How did it go?" He asked cluelessly, helping Jaehyun up.

"I'll make him my wife, Taeyong, just you wait." Jaehyun stomps off angrily, the crowd following in disappointment. Jungwoo was watching with a smirk etched on his face, waiting for the imbecile to leave so he could tend to his backyard farm. His book was once again tucked under his arm gently as he seemed to glide down the stairs leading to his backyard. The farm animals hollered at him with excitement, knowing he was the one that always fed them.

Jungwoo placed his book down on the steps and fetched the bucket that sat next to them, filled to the brim with chicken feed.

"Can you imagine? Me, marrying that brainless baboon?" The chickens clucked like they understood Jungwoo's disgust at the idea.

"I want more than this life, I want to travel the world, see Paris and Rome." Jungwoo's eyes sparkled at the idea of exploring the vast world, witnessing the sights and sounds of a busy city instead of a remote village.

He spoke animatedly as he recounted the stories he had read to the indifferent chickens, talking about monuments and languages, love and fantasy.

"It'd be amazing," he sighed dreamily, sitting on the steps with his chin resting on his arms and the animals long forgotten. He was shocked to hear a neigh in the cacophony of animals noises, knowing that his only horse was with his father. 

"Johnny?" He called out, seeing the calf running to him at an alarming rate. The horse neighed hysterically, and it was at that moment Jungwoo wished he could speak animal.

"What's wrong, boy?" Jungwoo soothed, softly rubbing the space between his bloodshot eyes.

"Wait, where's my father?" He asked, panic coursing through his veins. The satchel was still strapped securely to Johnny's side, and Jungwoo figured his dad must have unmounted quickly, for the man never forgot his extra supplies.

"Take me to him," Jungwoo demanded, using the steps he had been resting on to hop onto the horse's broad back. The calf did as he was told, rushing through the town with confidence and desperation. Jungwoo could only hold onto the fine hairs that were flowing with the wind and hope he wasn't too late.

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