scene 8

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Jungwoo giggled as Johnny stomped around in the pristine white snow, hooves leaving imprints with each move he made

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Jungwoo giggled as Johnny stomped around in the pristine white snow, hooves leaving imprints with each move he made. Footstool was running around his feet happily; his tassels waving like an excited puppy.

Lucas thought Jungwoo looked ethereal against the pale snow, his fading hair a dark contrast from the untainted white. A smile was tattooed on his face, his eyes sparkling from the reflection of the falling sun and the joy in his heart. Lucas' own heart rate was accelerating, dangerously pounding against his ribcage so violently he thought the fragile bones would break.

"I've never felt this way about anyone," he sighed to Renjun and Jaemin, who sat idly next to him on the balcony of the castle.

"I want to do something for him," Lucas declared with an endearing grin, that soon deflated, "But what?"

"Well, there's the simple things, flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep..."

Jaemin winced at the glare Renjun was sending his way, trying to ignore the clocks not-so-subtle hint.

"No, no, it has to be something special, something that sparks his inner- wait, I have an idea!" Jaemin gave the two a cheeky grin, and that was how Jungwoo found himself following Lucas down one of the many castle corridors.

"Jungwoo, there's something I want to show you," Lucas whispered, lips unusually close to Jungwoo's ear. "But first, you have to close your eyes."

Jungwoo raised an eyebrow at the excited man but did as he was told. Lucas waved a hand in front of Jungwoo's face, just to be sure, and gently grabbed his shoulder, leading him to a large oak door.

"Can I open them?" Jungwoo asked, resisting the urge to peek.

"No, no, not yet," Lucas laughed, "wait here." Light filtered through the spaces between Jungwoo's fingers as Lucas opened the dusty curtains that hid the enormous library from prying eyes.

"Now can I open them?" He whined.

"All right, fine."

Jungwoo removed his hand, giving his eyes a chance to adjust to the change in lighting before his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I've never seen so many books in my life," he awed at the marvelous library, covered from floor to ceiling in books ranging from Latin to Chinese, romance to horror.

"You like it?" Lucas implored, wringing his hands with worry.

"It's wonderful," Jungwoo reassured, flashing a smile that sent butterflies through Lucas' stomach.

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