act 8.2

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"Taeil! Father! Anyone, please!" Jungwoo called into the snow-covered night, receiving no reply

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"Taeil! Father! Anyone, please!" Jungwoo called into the snow-covered night, receiving no reply.

"Maybe I should just go back?" Jungwoo glanced over his shoulder at the looming castle that was still in view, but a muffled moan hindered his thoughts.

"Father?" Jungwoo rushed to a heap of snow that was suspiciously lumpy and brushed it away, revealing his cold and coughing, but alive, father.

"Jungwoo?" He whispered, voice hoarse from hours of yelling into the concealing night.

"I'm here, it's okay now," was the last thing he heard his tearful son say before he allowed his eyes to flutter shut.

When the light finally invaded his senses, he was met with the sight of Jungwoo, who was anxiously biting his nails as he sat by his father's side.


Said boy shot up from his chair, taking his father's hand in his own shaking one.

"It's okay, I'm home now."

"I thought I'd never see you again. But the Beast? How did you escape?" Taeil asked incredulously, scanning Jungwoo's body for any sign of injury. His son gave him a reassuring smile.

"I didn't escape, he let me go," Jungwoo answered solemnly, the tears threatening to stain his cheeks not going unnoticed by Taeil.

"That horrible Beast?"

"He's different now, he's changed."

A rustling sound came from the single bag Jungwoo had managed to pack in his franticness to find his father and he curiously lifted the leather flap.

"Hi!" Jisung squeaked as he toppled to the floor.

"Oh my God, Kun is going to kill me," Jungwoo mumbled to himself as his father and Jisung talked animatedly to each other.

"Jungwoo, why'd you go away? Don't you like us anymore?" Jisung questioned with a pout, and Jungwoo unconsciously cooed at the teacup.

"Of course I do. It's just that-" Jungwoo's reassuring words were interrupted by a heavy knocking. He stood from the chair, giving his father a confused gaze, and opened the door, expecting to see Jaehyun leaning against the doorframe. He was surprised to find D'arque standing on his porch with a polite smile on his wrinkled features.

"Can I help you?"

"I've come to collect your father." The man stepped aside and Jungwoo noticed the wagon that was hidden behind his frail body, the wooden spokes and daunting bars seeming to laugh at him.

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