Chapter One

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hey so here's the sequel finally! so I'm not going to be naming chapters anymore, and this is set farther into the future, like present dayish. so that's it yay enjoy! *TRIGGER WARNING READ IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE*


(Jack's POV)

I sat by myself, hunched over the bar with a beer in my hand. This had to be at least my third one, but did I look like someone who gave a fuck? Actually, yes. I looked like someone who gave too many fucks. This happened on occasion, when I'd start to remember my past. Remember that in high school, Alex and I were more than friends, if I can even push what we are now to 'friends'. He didn't talk to me much rather than when we were in the studio or on stage, but of course it was all fake for the fans. So every time I remembered he loved me once, I drink until I'm well past wasted.

"Hey, you alright? You've been drinking those pretty fast." The bartender asked as she walked back over by me. "I'll be fine. But as of this moment, I guess my answer is no." I sighed, my words half slurring. I didn't get drunk very easily, so I was just a little tipsy. "It's better to tell someone then to let your problems add up inside." She said to me. "I'd really rather not."

I sat in my house, once again alone, and once again drinking. I couldn't technically say I was alcoholic, since it wasn't a consistent thing, but I did drink a lot. Sure, it wasn't exactly smart to half the bottle of whiskey, but how else was I supposed to cope? I wasn't turning back to self-harm, I had quit a long time ago. And Alex just ignores me as much as possible, so the whiskey seemed like it'd be a nice friend.

I ended up sleeping on the couch, which didn't end up good, seeing as I had an interview in the morning. I quickly got dressed and drove to the place I was supposed to go. I tried to be my friendliest considering I was hungover. "Hey guys." I mumbled. Zack and Rian mumbled hello, Alex just giving me a small smile. I looked away from him immediately. Why does he have to hate me?

The interview went by fast. We mostly talked about new music and such, and answered a few other questions. As I walked down the hallway, I accidentally bumped shoulders with Alex.

He quickly turned and glared at me, "Fucking watch it, idiot." "Says the one who loved me so much." I said under my breath, but he heard. "T-That was a long time ago, Jack. So just fucking let go and grow up." He growled at me. I just shook my head and sighed, "Whatever. Just because we're not going out anymore doesn't mean you have to be a complete dick to me." Alex turned around and slammed me against the wall, holding my collar. I though about how his face was inches from mine, and I almost dropped it then, but I had to defend myself. "I said you're a dick. An asshole. A piece of shit douchebag. Whatever term suits you." I said, looking him straight in the eye. He just looked at me with anger, but underneath was another emotion. Was that a glint of guilt? He pushed me away and walked briskly down the hall. I just stood there, confused on what had happened.

(Alex's POV)

Fuck. What had I done back there? I was so close to telling Jack that I still loved him. No. Alex, you don't love him. He was a dick back in high school when he left for New York then came back and acted like nothing happened. You don't have feelings for him.

I sat on my couch watching Home Alone, which happened to be a bad movie for right now, seeing as it was Jack's favorite. I stuffed my face full of buttery, salty popcorn. It was kind of disgusting to be honest, but I needed to eat my pain away. That's what I did. I ate and ate and ate until I felt like I would throw up. Then I actually did throw up. Two fingers down the throat always did the trick for me. Then I'd end up sleeping on the couch if I even slept at all, and I would always dream of Jack.

Sebastian, my dog, came trotting into the room. "Come here Sebastian!" I said as I patted the spot next to me. He jumped up and nuzzled into my leg. At least he liked me. I shoved another handful of popcorn into my mouth, and that did the trick. The familiar feeling of nausea hit, and I walked over to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet. Maybe I can throw up the thought of Jack. Maybe if I throw up enough. I pushed two fingers down my throat, and soon felt my food coming back up.

As I lied on the couch, my finger sat over the call button for Jack's contact. I knew he still liked me, and would definitely answer, even though it was 1am. I decided I couldn't call, but a text wouldn't hurt right? But I couldn't bring myself to do it. What would I say? Just as I was about to settle for a simple "I'm sorry about today.", I got a text from Jack.

"I'm sorry about today." -J

"I am too."- A. That was really all I could squeeze out of me at the moment.

"Hey, can I see your dick?" -J

"Oh you're drunk. Great." -A. I decided to stop texting Jack, seeing as he obviously wasn't sorry. "Boys are complicated, Sebastian. At least I'll always have you." I whispered to my dog before drifting to sleep.

I Think He "Like Likes" Me [Sequel to 5 Things I Did]Where stories live. Discover now