Chapter 7

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(Jack's POV)

Here we go again. My life, my day, practically everything about me was so predictable at this point. I woke up and I had just stopped caring about people or about what time it was, either I nearly forgot to eat or I ate too much, and I was just falling apart. I don't talk to anyone, I barely leave home, I just sit there and I think of every single way I could have done every single thing differently so that I still had Alex. I never liked to think that I couldn't actually change anything between us from looking at the past. And so here I sit again, on the couch, with bags under my eyes big enough to hold my heartache and a bottle of beer, thinking.

The slight buzz of my phone always brought the little hope that it was Alex saying that he's sorry and he loves me and needs me and everything is okay. But too many times it had been something entirely different, so I seldom flinched at the noise anymore. This time I decided to, only to escape my own mind and the torture it dragged along.

And I swear to god every single voice in my head shut its fucking mouth for the first time in days when I saw the text from Alex. It was exactly what I needed to happen, but a little part of my liked the trouble, the pain, the horrible mess I had become. I read the full thing anyways, excitement filling my veins and pumping through me like a last resort medicine.

From: Alex G. (His name in my phone had changed over time from 'Babe' to 'Alex' to 'Alex G.' And something about that very fact made this whole thing even more depressing.)

I know you probably don't wanna talk to me ever again, but I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry. For everything, really. I've been going insane, falling apart without you and I don't think anyone deserves to be treated how I treated you. Now I'm not saying you didn't do some shit, but I forgive you for it. Like I say long ago, we're codependent. We were made to be together, for better or for worse.

I didn't know what to do or really what to say, but I had to say something, right? Was this the beginning of the end? Were Alex and I gonna start over and forget everything again? I struggled to find the words to what I wanted to say but I ended up sending what I could.

From: Jack (I didn't have a last initial in Alex's phone, which was something I constantly pondered over in the late hours of the afternoon)

I'm sorry too, really. I can't live without you anymore because honestly, it's slowly killing me. I love you Alex, and I want to forget everything and start over and live forever with you. I want to be with you, till death do us apart.

The phrase 'till death do us apart' was just so cliché, meant in a way of saying till we grow old and die. But I really meant till whenever one of us dies, whether it's today or years from now, because I knew how we were and just how bad things can get when you put the two of us together.

(Alex's POV)

Before you know it, there I was standing in Jack's living room, both of us staring at the mess we had made out of each other in almost a week of not talking. Finally I spoke up, "You know, one more big wrong move and I'm not gonna forgive you. This is the last chance you get with me, ever." I knew that I didn't mean what I said, seeing as I was all too reliant on Jack anyways. He just nodded before walking up to me and pulling me into a hug. His whole body weight fell onto me and his arms squeezed me so tight and his nose fit perfectly into the crook of my neck, and I swear there was never a more loving gesture than just letting yourself fall into someone's arms like it was your very own bed after a long and tiring day. I squeezed him back and just held Jack like nothing could ever tear us apart and like there was never anything more valuable than Jack.

I remembered all the shit that ever happened between us. I remembered falling out of the tree, the train tracks, Winterlude, Dillon, punching Jack at the insane asylum, each and every little thing that could have ever even possibly damaged this boy's spirit just the smallest bit, and then I shoved it all into the deepest, darkest corners of my mind, wishing to never remember it again. And that's when I knew that we were gonna be okay again, and maybe we'd just grow up to get married and have kids and be normal, but that was just a hope.

I finally pulled out of the hug and looked Jack in the eye and whispered, "Everything is okay." And for now, it was.
sorry this is short and it kinda sucks I just couldn't stand them being apart anymore but yea everything is fine again yay! for now hehehe

I Think He "Like Likes" Me [Sequel to 5 Things I Did]Where stories live. Discover now