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As Charles sat, staring at the wall covered in drawings either by him, or Will. Over the years they've been friends, those were all the drawings over all that time. Charles thinks back to when he first met Will, it was the summer before they started school and they met through their moms. Sarah Dumont who became friends with Joyce Byers, and then their sons became friends too.

Since then, the two were inseparable, they were always on the phone with one another, on the supercomm talking, or always having sleepovers, or always hanging out or just sitting in silence, drawing many things with the big box of crayons that Will's mom finally got for him.

     Charles already had them so they'd just sit and draw, both using their own crayons. Will and Charles have been best friends for so long, Charles couldn't imagine a day without Will, so like he always is, he waited, almost like as if any moment, the boy would walk in with a smile on his face. But that wasn't going to happen. He knew that.

     Will is missing. He sighed, staring at the last drawing Will made, it was a character he made up for Charles. KING CHARLESTON it said in Will's hand writing, the colour is dark blue, his favourite colour. And it was a drawing of a king, one that looked like him. Because it was him. Will already had clarified that. "It's you. King Charleston the Third. You own a huge wonderful castle with your mother, Queen Sarah." Will said with a proud smile. "I love it." Charles gushed over it.

     "Hey there, bud.." Sarah says, walking into their shared room in the upstairs part of her parents' home. Since she was a teenage mom, she was never able to go off to college, but her parents didn't see it as a bad thing. Seeing how they were wealthy, they didn't see a problem with it.

     "Hi, mama.." He says, making space for her on the twin sized bed that was his, it was on the opposite side of the room of her own bed. Before they use to sleep in the same bed until Charles turned six and said he wanted his own, saying his friends didn't sleep with their moms or dads. "Grandpa and grandma have been talking about you getting your own room." She said with a smile and Charles doesn't react much, he simply nods. "Too upset to get excited?" She asked him.

     "Mama, sorry but I'm.. I don't feel so great, knowing Will is missing, that he's out there, alone." He sighs as he rubs his face. "I know, I know, bubba.." She rubs his arm. After she left him to be by himself like he felt like doing whenever he was in a bad mood, he just lays in bed.

     After his grandfather and mother left to go looking for Will, Charles sat next to his grandmother on the couch, watching tv. "Grandma, I'm gonna head upstairs.." He says and she nods. He runs up the stairs and stares at the drawings again, trying to think. Think of what to do.

     He grabs his radio, opening it, "Dustin. Do you copy?" He says into it. The only one in range was Dustin. "Yeah, I copy, Charles. Over." The boy said and he sighs. "I'm worried about Will.. Over." He says. "Yeah, me too. Over." Dustin says and Charles looks at the drawings once more.

     "We have to go looking for him, Dustin.. Over." He says and Dustin sighs. "Meet me in ten. Over and out." He says and Charles turns off his radio, putting it into his backpack along with a flashlight, a bottle of water to stay hydrated. He puts on his raincoat before climbing out the window, he swiftly slides to the edge of the roof, then slowly hangs down to the garbage box right below. He jumps down then grabs his bike, getting on and driving off.

     As the party arrive to the place they found Will's bike, "ah, man. This is it." Lucas says and Charles sighed. They all get off their bikes as Dustin looked up, the thunder rumbling.

     "Hey, guys. You feel that?" Dustin asked but Charles ignores it as he takes out his flashlight. "I think maybe we should go back." Dustin says and Charles points his flashlight at him. "No. We're not going back. We're already here." He says as Dustin raised his hand to shield his eyes. "Just stay close. Come on." Charles then says.

      "Yeah, just stay on channel six. Don't do anything stupid." Mike says as they go into the woods. "Hey guys, wait up. Wait up!"

     "Will!" Mike shouted as Charles looked everywhere, frantic to find Will. "Will!" Charles shouted much more louder. "Byers!" Lucas shouted next. "I got your X-Men 134!" Dustin shouted as they continued further into the woods.

     "Guys, I really think we should turn back." Dustin said and Charles sighs. "Seriously, Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas said as they continued anyway. "I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin shouts at him. "No, you're just being a big sissy!" Lucas shouts back.

     "Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin says and Charles rolls his eyes. "Dustin, shut up." Mike says, trying to listen for something. "I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?" Dustin said and he did have a point but Charles wasn't going back.

     "Shut up. Shut up." Mike says, stopping and then they all heard the rustling. Charles looks at him, "you guys hear that?" Mike asked then they all point their flashlights one way, then the rustling came from somewhere else so they all jump and gasp. Mike points his flashlight, it was at a girl. She had a yellow shirt on and a shaved head. She looked cold and lost. At first, all four boys just stood there and stared at her, not knowing what to do.

     "We have to help her.." Charles said then walked over, putting his raincoat on her, she clutched it close before they start leading her out of the woods, back to their bikes where the girl got on Mike's. The ride is quiet and short, the boys driving through the rain all the way to Mike's.



authors note i hope ur enjoying ur chicken ted

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