xxiv. NO MORE

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"She's barely breathing." Mike said as he held a hand to Eleven's back. "We gotta go." Lucas said, sitting on the floor between Lucas and Dustin. "Leave her." They all stood up when they heard the man, except for Charles who kept Eleven's head resting gently on his lap. "Step away from the child." He said as he steps over the dead bodies.

"Like hell we are!" Charles said as he lets Eleven's head down gently on the ground. "You want her, you have to kill us first." Mike said as Charles stood up. "That's right!" Dustin said as they all step closer. "Eat shit!" Lucas yells at him.

"Oh, no! No, no!" Mike yelled as all three of them got grabbed by four men. "No! No! Get off me!" Dustin yelled loudly. "You idiot!" Lucas shouted as they all tried to fight back. "I'm telling you, I am gonna hit you in the nutsack, man!" Charles yelled loudly and the man just tightened his grip on the young boy making Charles gasp.

"I will kill you and everyone you love!" Charles yelled up at him, and the grip tightened again. Charles stops slowly when he saw the man pick up Eleven, the other boys still yelling. "Eleven? Eleven, can you hear me? Eleven?" He shaked El's head in his hands, she opened her eyes, just a bit.

     "Papa?" She said weakily. "Yes, yes, it's your papa." He said then Eleven looked over. "I'm here now." He said as Eleven saw the men holding her friends. "Let her go!" Charles yells at the man. "Let her go, you bastard!" Mike said, still trying to fight off the man holding him. Charles had given up however and got sad when Eleven starts whimpering, looking away.

     "Shh, shh, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home, where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better, so no one else gets hurt." He said to her and she looks up at him.

     "Bad." She simply says. "Bad." She repeated, she pointed over to Mike. "Mike.. Mike." She said in a weak tone. "Mike." She kept saying. The lights start to flicker, they all stop and look up.

    "Blood." Charles said and Lucas looks at him. "What?" He said. "Blood." Mike also said as they stare straight ahead, at the walk that starts to break, they just stare as a creature's head then came out of the wall, it starts screeching. "Demogorgon." Dustin said then the whole creature came out of the wall, screeching loudly as it's face opens up.

    The men let go of the teen boys, taking out their guns, they start shooting as they all start yelling indistinctly, they rush to Eleven. They all help Dustin pick her up, then they start running down the hall. "Come on, go, go!" Lucas yells.

     "Come on, come on!" Mike yells as they run through the halls. "Oh, my God!" Dustin shouts then they run into a classroom. "Sorry. Hold on, we're almost there. We're almost there." Dustin tells Eleven as he walks into the classroom sideways, Charles walking in after him.

    He shuts the door, locking it before following the three to the back of the classroom. "Help, help," Dustin says before they help him lift her onto the table. "Come on, get her on the table." He says then Mike came quickly to Eleven's side as Charles stood on the other side, rubbing his eyes.

     "Just hold on a little longer, okay?" Mike sniffled as he held Eleven's hands tightly in his. "He's gone. The bad man's gone." He tells her as she looked up at him. "We'll be home soon, and my mom.. She'll get you your own bed. You can eat as many Eggos as you want." Mike tells her and Charles smiled softly at that, looking down at the girl.

      Eleven sniffled as she smiled up at him. "And we can go to the Snow Ball." He says as he kept their hands tightly together. "Promise?" She faintly said. "Promise." Mike sniffled and Charles smiled widely at them. They're so cute together.

      When they hear the monster, they all jump and yell, Mike pulling his hands away from Eleven's as they all back away, listening to the gunfire. It continued for another few minutes, but then it stopped completely. "Is.. is it dead?" Dustin stuttered, looking to his friends.

     The door gets broken down, Dustin's question getting answered as it was the Demogorgon, on top of the door on the ground. "Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled as they turn to Lucas who takes off his backpack. "Ge the wrist rocket! Get the wrist rocket now!" Dustin yells at Lucas who opens up his backpack, "go, go, go, go, go!" Came from Mike.

     Charles watched with wide eyes as the Demogorgon roared, now standing up. "Go, go, go." Mike kept yelling. "Take it out, now!" Dustin yelled as he looks through the backpack. "Get the rocks, get the rocks, get the rocks!" Mike repeatedly yelled at Dustin who looks at him. "Getting the rocks!" He yells back in annoyance then Lucas holds up his hand. "Give me one." He said to Dustin.

    Dustin hands him a rock, "come on!" He yelled at Lucas who draws back the sling, "go! Go! Kill it! Kill it!" Mike kept yelling. "Fire! Fire!" Mike yelled and then Lucas hits the Demogorgon with the rock, it just roars in response. "Give me another one." Lucas yelled at Dustin and as they continued to yell at each other, Charles kept staring at the Demogorgon, backing away until his hips hit the counter in the back. He shuddered, when the Demogorgon's face opened up again, roaring.

     Lucas was down to his last three rocks when he hit the Demogorgon, it goes flying all the way to the front of the class, hitting the chalkboard. Charles gasped softly, then Eleven walked past Mike, Dustin and Lucas. "Eleven, stop!" Mike said, about to run and stop her but she raised her hand back at him, Mike screamed as he slides across the floor, hitting his head on the cupboards behind him.

    Eleven continued her way towards the monster that was still against the chalkboard. She looks back at the four boys at the back of the classroom, she stared at Charles for a moment then looked at Mike. "Goodbye, Mike." She said to the boy who had tears coming down his cheek, staring at her.

     She turns back to the Demogorgon, "no more." She says then she raised her hand. The Demogorgon started screeching loudly, the boys covered their ears, grunting. Eleven started yelling, as she used her powers. Charles closed his eyes, panting softly then it stopped, they all look up.

    All there was was ashes and a big hole in the wall, Mike rushed to his feet. "El! El?" He shouted as they all run to the front of the class, all of them looking around. "El! Eleven!" Charles yelled as he looks around frantically. "Eleven! Eleven! El!" The boys continued to scream loudly.

     "El, where are you? Eleven! El?"







authors note boyos, there will be a will & charles reunion next chapter👊🏼🥺

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