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In the conference room, Charles stood behind Will who was staring at all of the pictures sprawled across the table to form the map Will had drawn at home. "Sam, this is ludicrous." Another doctor said and Charles rolls his eyes at that.

"Just give him a moment, okay?" Dr. Owens said to the man. "We don't have time—" "hey, jackass, why don't you do us all a favor and shut up, okay?" Hopper said and Charles smirked, looking at the man, then Will stood up so he pushes the chair out of the way. He walks with Will all the way to the end of the table, also looking at the pictures.

Will points at a certain area where all the tunnels were connecting into, "that's it." He said. "That's what? What's.. what's there, Will?" Dr. Owens asked as Charles looked at Will with a surprised look. "I don't know. I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important." He says and Charles looks at him again, still surprised.

Later back in the room, Charles sat in the same way he and Will did before, holding his hand with both of his, by his side. It was quiet, Charles couldn't even tolerate the silence. Then Will spoke, "I'm sorry." He stammered causing Mike and Charles to look at him. "What? What do you mean, sweetie?" Joyce asked and Will looks at her.

"He made me do it." He said, his grip on Charles' hand tightening like he did before. "Who? Who made you do what?" Joyce asked as she stood up and Charles stood up as well, trying to pull his hand away. "I told you. They upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him." Will said then Charles ripped his arm away. "The spy." Mike said and Charles turns to him.

     Charles looks down at his hand, his face scrunched up as his hand was hurting. Before, Will had hurt his hand a lot, not too much but this time, he hurt his hand a lot more. His grip was tighter today, and it didn't only hurt Charles physically but also emotionally, knowing Will would hurt him so easily like that, but he tries to convince himself it was just the mindflayer, that it isn't Will. He looks back up at Will who was looking at him now.

"The spy!" Mike shouted then he ran out of the room as Charles looked at Will, rubbing his hand. "Will, sweets, talk to me. You got to help me understand." Joyce tells him.

"It's too late." He said and then Joyce looked at Charles and Sarah before looking back at Will. "You should go now. They're almost here."

"We're too late!" Mike screamed before he came running back into the room with Bob following behind. "What's going on?" Joyce asked, Sarah and Charles wondering the same thing with the alarms going on. "We're under attack." Mike says.

Mike grabs a tranquilizer from the counter, raising it up. "We need to make Will sleep." He says and Charles gave him a look. "What?" Joyce said. "He's a spy. If he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster." Mike explained. "He's lying!" Will said then looked at Charles. "He killed those soldiers. He'll kill us, too!" Mike yelled.

"He's lying! He's lying! Charles, he's lying! Right? Right?" Will started shouting and Charles looks at Will then at Mike. "I-I-" He stammered as he looks at Mike. "Those are gunshots!" Bob yelled when they hear guns going off outside.

"No shit, Bob." Sarah said as she came to stand by Joyce. "He's lying! He's lying!" Will continued screaming. "Will, Will, listen, listen. Do you know who I am?" Joyce asked him.

He stays quiet, "do you know who I am?" She asked more louder and clear. "You're.. You're... You're mom." He says and Charles looks at Mike, taking the tranquilizer from his hands. "Hold him down." Joyce tells Bob and Sarah helps with this, holding Will by his shoulders. "No! No! Let go! No! No! Let me go! Let go! No, let me go!" Will is screaming as Joyce held the tranquilizer in her hand, holding Will's arm to insert the needle.

At this point, Charles had covered his ears and closed his eyes, not doing well with situations like this which Mike understood as he wrapped his arms around Charles again.

Once Will was unconscious, Charles slowly pulled back from Mike and uncovered his ears. "It's okay now." Mike told Charles in a soft tone and that's when Charles opened his eyes, turning around. He flinched when Hopper and Dr. Owens burst through the door, then Hopper turns around when he hears the creatures growling from far.

"We gotta go. We gotta go."

Hopper carried Will down the hall, they all ran together, Sarah holding onto Charles' hand tightly so she doesn't lose him. They all come to an abrupt halt however, Charles couldn't see because of the three tall adults in front of him but he knew it was something bad as they then turn the other way but then a man appeared, shooting a gun.

They all rush into the closest room, Hopper sets Will down and Charles rushed to his side, standing with Joyce. "Oh, my God." Bob said and all of them look to see what he was talking about. Surveillance cameras, and there was one of those monsters everywhere out there, every corner, down every hall. Sarah made Charles look away, knowing how he gets around stuff like that. Especially since there were also dead bodies on the screens.

The lights above them start to flicker, then they all shut off along with all of the screens. "Oh, my God.." Joyce whispered. "Just great, just my luck." Sarah muttered under her breath bitterly before she takes out her lighter, using it to see where her son was. "Oh, there you are. Hold my hand." She whispered and grabbed his hand with hers.

authors note billy's kinda hot.. well dacre, because we don't stan a racist aka billy👊🏼🤠

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