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     Charles runs up to the fort, sighing in relief when he saw Will's bike was right outside, "Will?" He says before pushing the sheet out of the way and walking in to find Will sitting down. "Will.." He said, frowning and sitting next to him. He was flipping through a comic but then he throws it to the side, frustratedly as he lets out a small huff.

       "Will.." He said and Will looks down, starting to cry as he sniffled. "Will.." Charles repeated and Will lets out a small sob. "Why did he say that?" He said as he finally looks at Charles. "Say what? Mike said a lot.. He always does." He rolls his eyes.

      "That you like girls? Do you? Is it something you're not telling me and.. that you told him?" He said as he continued to cry and Charles sighed, shaking his head. "Don't listen to him, okay? I've told you before Will.." He grabs his hands.

      "I'm gay.. And I-I messed up with the whole Jessica stuff but that doesn't mean I'm not gay and clearly, I'm very much into you. I love you, Will, not some girl or any girl for that matter, okay? He was just being an asshole because he doesn't know what it's like for us.." He said, sighing.

      "Now, tell me, tell me what I can do to help you, please.." He said as he raised his hand and rubbed Will's back, frowning as he moved closer. Will just leaned in, harshly pressing his lips against Charles'. Charles pushed him back gently, sighing, "no, not the like that.." He shook his head.

     Will sighed, turning away and pulling his hands back. "Nothing can fix this! Nothing can help me!" He says and Charles felt useless, sitting there and watching Will just cry. He watches as Will grabbed a photo off the tiny table with the little lamp on it. "Will.." He said softly.

       He looks all around the castle and Charles looks at the photo he was looking at. Them all dressed up the year before in their ghostbuster costumes. Charles smiled. "Stupid.." He said and Charles looks at him, his smile going away. "Wh—" "So stupid.." He said and Charles was gonna reach out and stop him but he was already ripping up the photo.

       "So stupid.." He continued as he then grabbed a drawing off him as a wizard with WILL THE WISE written on it. Charles grabbed his arm, "Will, stop! Stop!" He tells him. "It's stupid! So stupid! I'm stupid!" Will said and Charles just pulls him into his arms, hugging him tightly.

       "If you really wanna help, come outside with me and let me do this." Will said and grabbed the bat resting against the wall. "What? Will? Will, no," Charles said, hurriedly following him out of the Castle Byers. He starts hitting the fort, yelling and crying as Charles stood and watched.

      Charles waited, letting him get it all out before Will finally set the bat down and he dropped down the ground, crying harder. Charles rushed to his side right away, pulling him into his arms. He had tears as well as he held Will close to him.

      "It's okay.. it's okay.." He whispered, rubbing Will's arm as Will continues to sob in his arms. "It's gonna be okay.." He whispered, looking down and Will clings to him, holding his shoulder.

Will just sat there in Charles' arms, even after Charles had tried to convince him they should get up and go inside. Charles had taken off his raincoat and put it around Will, not wanting him to get a cold or anything. Charles looks at him as Will held his hand up to the back of his neck.

Then he stood up and Charles slowly stood as well. "Will!" They can hear yelling as Will slowly spun around. "What happened? Are you okay?" Charles heard Mike as they ran to them.

"Will.. what's wrong? Are you alright?" Charles asked him and Will slowly turns towards them, as Mike and Lucas now stood on either sides of Charles. "He's back." Is all he says.

Charles steps closer, worried, "w-who?" He asked as he reached out, grabbing Will's hand. "The Mind Flayer." Is all he said and Charles sighs before looking back at Mike and Lucas. "Come on.." He whispers, turning back to Will.

Charles wrapped both arms around Will, "come on.. let's go inside.. Get you changed and into bed so you can sleep.." He whispers and Will just lets him lead him out of the woods and to his house as Lucas and Mike follow them, Mike taking Will's bike and walking with it alongside of him.

Inside the Byers home, Charles took his raincoat off of Will and wrapped a towel around him. "I'll grab you a change of clothes.." He said and leans in, kissing Will's forehead then the boy sat down. "You two, should go.." He says to Mike and Lucas standing in the doorway. "What? Charles.." Mike said and Charles gives him a stern look.

"Will's cold, tired and wet.. I'm gonna get him changed and you guys have to go.. I'll get him to bed and we'll all meet in the morning. Okay?" He says and the two share a look but then reluctantly agree before they both leave, walking away.

"Thanks.." Will says softly as Charles then closed the door, walking over to Will's dresser. "It's fine. I'd do anything for you, you know that." He said as he grabbed a set of pyjamas. He walks back over to Will, kneeling in front of him.

"You don't need to talk about it right now, okay? Just.. go get dressed and we'll go to bed and deal with it in the morning, alright?" He asked and Will just nods, grabbing the clothes.

"Thank you.." He whispers and Charles just smiles up at him. "Like I said.. anything." He whispers and Will sighed as he just stared at him before standing up. "I'm gonna go get dressed in the bathroom.." He tells him. Charles nods right away, walking over to the door and opening it. "I'm gonna call my grandparents and let them know I'm staying here for the night, okay?" He says.

       After his call and Will got dressed into the pyjamas, the two go into Will's room. Charles sets down a blanket on the ground. "No, come lay with me.." Will said, and Charles shakes his head. "No, no, no, I can sleep on the floor.." He says as he grabs a pillow, setting it down.

      "I can't sleep unless you do.." He says and Charles looks at him. "Will.." He whispers and Will gives him those eyes again that Charles couldn't exactly ever say no to so he sighed and got up.

      Will smiled, flipping over and Charles gets into the bed next to him, pulling him close. The two fell asleep right away, exhausted and dreading having to wake up the next day to deal with it.







authors note elmax and chill, sleeping in the same beds be like: gay rights ✋😎🏳️‍🌈

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