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The group were now heading up a hill, Lucas and Max were carrying the things that Mike and El were who were now at the back of the group, Dustin was ahead of everyone, leading them with Max and Lucas behind her. "Hey, here, let me take that. You look tired." Charles says, taking the bag from Will. "It's not that heavy.." Will says.

"Shh, let me," Charles just said and he already had the bag anyway. Will just smiled and blushed, looking away. "Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asked. "Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin said and Charles just smiled.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max says. "Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin explained to her. "Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas asked him.

"Oh, that's the Amish."

"What are Mormons?" Will asked and Charles looks at him. "Super religious white people." He says and Will gives a confused look. "They have electricity and cars and stuff, but.. since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve." Dustin says and Charles looks at him.

"It's all a bit... Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Max asked in a surprised tone. "Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." Dustin says and Charles chuckles. "Right." Max says and Dustin looks back at her. "Star-crossed lovers." He says and Charles rolled his eyes.

If he was being honest, it's like Dustin never stopped crushing on Max or ever got over her. "I got it." Max says and Charles smirks. "You do know how that ended, right, Dustin?" He asked and Dustin doesn't say anything for a moment. He was about to respond when Mike called out to them, "hey guys!" The group stopped and turned.

"This is fun and all, but uh.." Mike said, raising his wrist to show his watch. "I have to go home." El said and Charles just rolls his eyes. "We're almost there," Dustin gestured behind him.

"Sorry, man. Curfew." He says and Charles smirks. "El, tell my mom I said hi since she's always at Hop's cabin!" He calls out and El just giggles. "Good luck!" She says to them before she and Mike turn away, running off, holding hands.

"Curfew at four?" Dustin said and Charles snickers. "They're lying." He says and Will gestures. "It's been like this all summer." He says. "It's romantic." Max says and Charles looks at her.

"It's gross. What? You wanna run off with Lucas too? Geez, I wish I could with Will too." He said sassily. "It's bullshit." Dustin said, clearly pissed off as he looked at Charles. "I just got home." He says, watching the couple running off together. "Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!" Dustin said, turning around.

Both Lucas and Max groan but follow with Charles right behind them anyway. "Will!" Charles said as he turned around. Will turns back and ran up to him, without realizing, their hands connect and they continue up the hill after the others.

Once they got to the top of the hill, Dustin sets the bag down. "Made it." He says and Charles rolls his eyes, letting go of Will's hand to walk over and set the bag down next to where Dustin set down his. "Yeah, only took five hours." Max says.

      "Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will asked as Lucas also sets down the bag he'd be carrying and Max does the same. Charles sighs, sitting down onto the ground, he looks at Lucas.

     The boy starts chugging his bottle of water as Max and Charles both watch him. When he was done, he wipes his mouth, "did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" Max asked him. He looks down and spits some of it back inside.

     He then holds it out towards his girlfriend with a nervous smile on his face. Charles rolls his eyes as Max just shakes her head before turning away. "Come on, get up, Charles." Dustin says as they got started on taking out the material for the radio. "Yeah, come on," Will held out his hand.

    Charles sighed but stood up with Will's help anyway and got to helping them. And once they were done assembling the tower together, they lifted it up and stared up at it where it stood.

    "Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin says as he looks at Max, Lucas, Will and Charles. "Yeah." Charles nods with a small smile. "Now, you ready to meet my love?" He asked. "Okay, sure." Max said as they all gather around Dustin who sat down.

    He lifts up the radio microphone, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." He says and they just wait for a response but no one responded. "One sec. She's probably... she's still there." He says and Charles smirks at him. "Suzie." He says.

      "This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

     Lucas and Will look at each other with knowing looks and Charles just smiles, looking at Will who looked at him next. "I'm sure she's there.. It's just.." Dustin said in a soft tone. "Yeah." Lucas says. "You know, maybe she's, like.. busy, or—" "Yeah." Charles said as he nodded his head.

    "It's around dinnertime here."

     "Mm.." Lucas says as Max nods. "Yep." She says and Charles sighs. "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over." He repeated the same thing, "come on." Charles whispers to Will, grabbing his hand gently and Will follows, slightly confused.

      He sits on the ground and patted the spot next to him. It was a nice sunset tonight. Will sits down next to him and Charles opens his backpack as Dustin repeats the same thing again.

       Charles takes out a bottle of water he hands to Will who takes it from him, smiling a bit. "Thanks.." He whispers and Charles smiles back. "No problem." He whispered as he takes another for himself. "Hey, uh.. do you wanna stay the night at my place tonight?" He asked, looking at Will.

     "Uh, sure.." Will smiled and Charles looks over at Max, "I have an extra bottle of water, do you want it?" He asked and she walks over, "sure.." She smiled and he holds out the bottle to her.

     "Thanks, Charleston."







authors note can't fight this feeling shouldve been byler's song, we were robbed 🥺🥺
+ sorry the update is late 🤘😳

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