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     When Jonathan walks in with a stereo, Charles moved out of the seat where Jonathan now sat, "do you remember the first time I played you this? Mom and dad were both arguing in the next room. So I played you the mixtape I made you. And it was the first time you got into music. Real music." Jonathan said to his younger brother.

     Will tapped his fingers on one of the legs of the chair, Hopper using the supercomm behind his back to signal the others what he was saying in morse code. "And then the party escaped into the sewers, and there were those big insects things, and you guys were still on level one. Then you cast Fog Cloud and you saved us. You saved the whole party." Mike said as he was sitting in front of him.

     He stood so that Charles would sit in front of Will, "last year when you were back, one thing that stuck with me was how we sat in silence after the others left.. You just laid there, holding my hand and I sat there, letting you hold my hand. It's like we don't even need to talk.. That's what I love most about us, our relationship. We can go for hours, just drawing and sitting in silence and that'd be okay, we don't need words because we know in that moment, we just want to be with each other, no distractions or anything." Charles said and smiled as he stared at Will who was staring back at him.

     No one was saying anything or questioning about this whole stuff Charles was saying. It wasn't a big deal really, they didn't care, besides they were all trying to focus on what's important. Saving Will. Joyce didn't seem surprised however, she knew there was something between the two.

    "I love you, Will.." He said then stood up, standing with his mom who wrapped an arm around him. "You saw that little girl and she was in the sandbox and she was crying. You gave her your Tonka Truck and I told you we couldn't afford to buy another one. You said she should have it because she's sad. She's sad, mommy. I love you so much. So, so much." Joyce said to her and inside as they discovered that Will had said CLOSE GATE in morse code, Charles just stared at Will with a sad look.

Then the phone rang inside, causing Charles' eyes to widen when Will looked up right away. It stopped but then it started again, but when it stopped, Will closed his eyes. "Hey. Hey, can you hear me?" Joyce said as she leaned over.

"It knows." Charles said as Hopper kneeled down beside Will. "It knows where we are." He said and Joyce immediately went to get the tranquilizer. Charles looked away, not liking seeing needles. Hopper, Jonathan and Mike step out of the shack, as they heard monsters screeching loudly in the distance. Charles grabbed his mom's hand in fear as Jonathan ran in with Mike and Hopper. "They're coming! Come on." Jonathan says and Charles immediately rushed over.

He helps untie Will who Jonathan picks up, Mike holding the sheet open as they all rush out past him. "Come on, come on, let's go, let's go." Hopper said before they head inside. Inside, Charles went with Jonathan hurriedly into one of the bedrooms where he set Will down onto the bed.

      "I'll be back.." Charles whispers to Will when Jonathan left the room, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to Will's forehead. "I love you." He whispered even though he knew Will probably didn't hear him, meaning he would never be able to hear Will say it back. Another day, Charles. We have bigger problems today.

      He walks out into the living room as Hopper came into the house. "Hey! Hey! Get away from the windows!" The man shouts at Mike, Max and Lucas who all quickly move away from the windows. "Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan who looks at him. "What?"

"Can you use this?" He said loudly and Nancy steps forward. "I can." She says and as she stood in a defensive stance with Hopper and Steve, they waited as Sarah held her son close to her.

     "Where are they?" Sarah asked then they all turn the other way when they hear noise coming from the right side of the house, they watch as the bushes outside the dining room window rustle and move. "What are they doing?" Nancy asked as Sarah pulled Charles closer to her, worried.

     They all turn the other way now, the noise now coming from the front of the house again. "I swear to God, one of those fucks get in here and I—" Charles is cut off when Sarah put her hand over his mouth as the monsters stopped screeching.

     "What happen—" a Demo-dog flying through the window cut off Sarah as they all started screaming, backing away from it. "What the fuck?" Sarah whispers as they all get closer. "Holy shit." Dustin said. "Is it dead?" Max asked.

    Hopper reached out and nudged it with his foot. They hear the door creak, so they all turn around, raising their weapons when the lock turned. "Oh, fuck.." Charles whispers as the chain lock slides to the side, then came off the lock. The door opens slowly and someone walks in.

     She had worn out converse, white socks, blue jeans, black t-shirt with a black jacket over it. Eleven. Charles gasped softly, the girl's hair was much longer, it was all slicked back. She had black eyeshadow on that Charles had to admit made her look ten times more badass. Blood was coming out of her nose, proving it was her who killed the Demo-dog that came flying through the window.

     Charles looked at Mike who stepped out from behind Hopper. He just stood there and stared at Eleven, smiled softly when he realized she was back. She was actually back. She was home. Charles also couldn't believe it, there were so many times he'd imagine he'd see Eleven again, whether at Mike's or at the school, he missed her.

      And now she was back.






authors note eleven: h-
+ joyce doesn't mind will & charles because she been knew, she's like "lol i ship it"
++ there will be double updates a day until this book is over k thnx bye ily💘

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