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     Charles runs down the side of the house, "Will!" He said, grabbing Will's arm gently. Will flinched, opening his eyes to look at Charles. "Charles.." He whispered, his hands on both of Charles' shoulders. "I couldn't find you.. Are you okay?" Charles asked with worry as Will looked away.

    He looked around, he looked scared and it made Charles more worried even more when Will started stammering, trying to talk but he couldn't. He was even whimpering softly. "Holy shit!" Dustin yells as they came down the side of the house as well. "Is he okay?" Mike asked as they all stood behind Charles who was holding Will.

    "I don't know." Charles said right away then looked back at Will. "I'm gonna take you home, okay? I'm gonna take you home, it's nearby." He said before he helps Will up. "Alright, take it easy." Dustin steps over but Charles looks at him. "I got him, okay? You guys continue having fun." He said and Mike sighed. "Charles?" He said.

     "No, it's okay, you guys keep trick-or-treating, I got him." Charles said before leading Will away. They walk for at least three or four minutes until they reached Charles' house. The two head upstairs to sit on the fouton in Charles' bedroom, Charles waited for Will to calm down before he grabs their candy bags. "Let's just sit here and eat some candy, okay? You can talk to me when you feel like it." Charles said as he pours out his candy.

      "O-O-Okay.." Will said then the two sat, eating candy for a while. "You moved stuff around?" Will asked, realizing that the furniture was different in the bedroom. "Yeah, I like the bed on that side better." Charles said as he pointed towards his bed and Will looks at him, nodding slowly.

    "Can I ask you something?" He asked and Charles looks at him. "You can ask me anything." He tells him and Will nods, smiling. "Just.. I wanted to know how you knew you were gay.. You know, when you realized." Will says and Charles looks around, sighing softly. "I don't know.. I guess I just knew the whole time." He said with a shrug.

      "Knew the whole time?" Will asked and Charles looks at him then nods. "Yeah.. It's like, I never liked girls, so.. it made sense. Boys always appeared to get my attention more anyway." He said, looking down. "Oh.." Will said and Charles looks at him. "Why do you ask, W—" Charles is cut off when Will leaned in and pressed their lips together.

     Charles kissed back right away, raising his hand to gently rest it on Will's face. Will suddenly pulls away, "I'm sorry." He said softly, kind of surprised at his own self for being able to do that. "No.. No.. Don't apologize.." Charles said.

    "Well, fuck.." He whispers softly when he stared at Will, realizing that they had just kissed. "I'm sorry." Will repeated but Charles shakes his head. "No, no, seriously, Will, it was okay.." He said as he leaned over, leaned closer again. "Was it okay with you?" He whispers softly and Will smiled slightly at him, he nodded his head slowly.

     He leans in again, pecking Will's lips softly before he pulled back, wrapping his arms around Will. He raised his hands to Will's upper back, gently holding onto the collar of Will's shirt. Will hugged back right away, his hands both resting on Charles' lower back. He pulls Charles closer.

     "I'm glad you were my first kiss.." Charles whispered, then he closed his eyes. Will, despite still in shock from kissing Charles, he smiled, putting his head to Charles' shoulder.

      "I'm glad you were mine.." Will whispered then Charles pulls back, "I'm gonna get a soda, I'll be back, okay?" He says and Will simply nods. "Are you okay on your own up here?" He asked and Will nodded right away, knowing that after their kiss, he was gonna be able to keep himself grounded.

     A stupid episode wasn't gonna ruin this, his moment with Charles. After Charles came back with a drink, Will sighed then spoke, "I wanna talk about it now.." He said as he looks at Charles. The blue eyed boy smiled, nodding his head slowly then sitting beside his best friend. "Tell me all about it." He said as he grabs Will's hand gently.

Will starts first, explaining what happened, the episode he saw and the one the night before. "Were you scared? Did you get hurt?" Charles asked with worry as he stared at Will.

"No, no, I was okay.. I didn't get hurt but.." Will suddenly paused, looking away, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the wall. "But what?" Charles asked worriedly, squeezing Will's hand with his. "I don't know.. It's like.. I'm stuck." He says. "What do you mean stuck? Like in the Upside Down?" Charles asked, pulling his hand away.

"You know on a View-Master, when it gets, like.." Will struggles to explain it. "Caugt between two slides?" Charles asked, grabbing his soda to take a sip. "Yeah. Like that." Will instantly says. "Like one side's our world and the other.. The other slide is the Upside Down." He explained.

The two sat in silence for a moment as Will looked at Charles who was thinking about it. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere. And then I saw something." He said as Charles set his cup of Coca-cola down, looking at Will right away. "The Demogorgon?" He asks.

"No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me." He says and Charles looks around, then down at his lap. Before finally looking at Will. "Is this all real? Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?" He asked and Will keeps looking down. "I don't know. Just.. Just please don't tell the others, okay?" He asked as he looked up at Charles who nodded.

"They won't understand. Not like you." Will said, raising his hand gently to Charles' face. "El would've." Charles suddenly said, looking away. "You two were close?" Will asked him, surprised since Charles has never spoken about Eleven since she was gone. He didn't really talk about her that much. Will figured they weren't that close.

     "Not much.. But she still understood a lot of things, especially about me.. Especially how I felt about stuff, and you being gone. I kinda feel bad for it but I miss her but don't wish she was here or anything." Charles said, as he crossed his arms.

"Sometimes I feel like she's still around, like I go downstairs at Mike's in hopes of seeing her in the fort down there." He says and shrugged. "Maybe it's just me being weird.." He said as he looks down. "Charlie, you're always being weird." Will said as he stared at Charles, a small smile on his face.

Charles looks at him, smiling back right away when he saw Will staring at him. "Boys!" Sarah came up the stairs and Charles looked over instantly, moving away from Will slightly since they were sitting too close. "Hey mom.." He said.

"Hey Sarah.." Will says with a forced smile. "Jonathan is waiting downstairs for you." Sarah said with a kind smile at the young boy. "Alright.." Will nods then stood up, grabbing his bag of candy and the camcorder on the tiny table.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow." Charles quickly told Will as he also got up, smiling widely. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Will said, smiling at Charles and nodding his head as he did. After Will exits the room, Sarah looks at her son, smiling. "What?" He says right away and she just shrugs.

"Oh, nothing.." She says. He merely furrowed his brows, grimacing at her as she walks down the steps, leaving his bedroom. He shrugs, brushing it off as he then sat down, drinking more of his soda and eating his candy until he fell asleep on the futon.

authors note they k i s s e d 🤯

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