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The next day, Charles went over to Lucas' where they planned on what to do, without the other two boys and Eleven. "I think we should just go our own ways, so we don't get the weirdo messing with our compasses." Lucas said as Charles was sitting on the couch, the boy pacing in the livingroom.

"Excellent idea, we should do that." Charles raised his pointer finger. "And we will be the ones that find Will. Us." He said and Lucas smiled, nodding then the bell rang. "Hold that thought," he said then walked over to the front door. Of course, Dustin and Mike. Lucas and Charles stand side by side in front of the two standing side by side.

"What do you want?" Lucas asked harshly to the two and Dustin smacks Mike's chest. Mike looks at him then at the two, he sighed. "I drew first blood, so.." He said and Charles smirked as Mike then held out his hand towards Lucas.

Charles went back to sitting on the couch, they watch Lucas pace back and forth, the boy deep in thought. Suddenly he stops, turning to them, he nods, "okay, I'll shake." He says and Dustin smiled as Mike raised his hand outward to him.

"On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate." He said with crossed arms as Charles stood up, nodding his head. "I agree." He says as he crossed his arms as well. "Then the deal's off." Mike said. "Fine!" Lucas shouts. "Fine!" Mike shouted right back and Charles groans.

"No, no, not fine! Guys, seriously?" Dustin said then turns Mike around. "Do you even remember what happened on the Bloodstone Pass?" He asked the boy. Mike looked at Lucas who gave a confused look to Charles who sighs.

"We couldn't agree on which path to take, so we split up the party and those trolls took us out one by one." Charles said as he looked between Lucas and Mike. "And it all went to shit. And we were all disabled!" Dustin shouts.

"So we stick together, no matter what!" He then said as he looks at Mike. "Yeah, I agree. But this is the party, right here in this room." Lucas said as he pointed to the ground.

"El is one of us now." Mike said and Charles snickers. "Sorry, I had to laugh. But she isn't. Not even fucking close, Wheeler." He said and Mike looked at him. "Never will be!" Lucas said then raised his hand, "she's a liar, a traitor—" "She was just trying to keep us safe!" Mike shouted, cutting off Lucas who was using his fingers.

"You think she meant to keep me safe when she threw me in the fucking air?" Charles said through gritted teeth as he stepped closer to Mike, the boy backed away one step in fear at his own friend. "She-she didn't mean to hurt you! It-it was an a-accident!" Mike said, sounding scared of Charles. He should be. Charles' glare deepened.

"An accident?" Charles said as he scoffed. "Alright, accident or not.. admit it, it was a little awesome." Dustin said and Charles looks at him. "Awesome? Dustin, darling, no. It was not. I could've fucking died!" Charles continued to cuss at them, basically becoming a viper really.

"Which is exactly why we need her. She's a weapon! Do you seriously wanna fight the Demogorgon with Lucas' wrist rocket?!" Mike said and Charles chuckled bitterly at that. "Wow and now you're objectifying her." He said as he shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"Just saying, we're no use to Will if we're dead." Mike said and of course, he had to use Will. Charles backed down, looking away. He looked at Lucas, "if you two wanna waste your time looking for a traitor, go ahead, cause I'm not spending my time on her anymore. Neither is Charles! No way!" Lucas spoke for the both of them.

"We're going to the gate. We're going to find Will." Lucas said then Charles shoved past the two, Lucas following him right away.

Later, Lucas and Charles got ready in Lucas' bedroom, Lucas packed all the weapons as Charles set his backpack down, it was still filled with protein bars and bottles of water then he takes out a hat he slips onto his head as Lucas put on all his gear before he looked at Charles. "Ready?" He asked him and Charles nodded right away.

As the two left Lucas' place, they noticed a man getting out of a white van. HAWKINS POWER AND LIGHT, it said in large blue writing on the side of the van and it had two blue stripes, the man noticed the two who looked over at him.

He raised his hand, waving, Lucas and Charles both wave back before they got onto their bikes and started driving away. In the woods, the two kept following their compasses until they both stop, the needle pointed straight ahead, but that was the thing, there was a fence. He looks one way as Charles looked the other way, a long fence.

"Oh, man." Lucas groaned. He looks at Charles, "should we split up?" He asked and Charles shook his head right away. "I hate being alone, especially in the woods, let's just go that way." He points to the left and Lucas nods, they both turn their bikes and start walking alongside of the fence.

     After the two made their way around the whole fence, the other side of this whole area, Lucas stopped as he and Charles notice the needle is still pointing towards the fence. "You.. do you think it might be inside there?" Charles pointed and Lucas tests it out by going to the other side of the fence. "Still pointing towards the fence." He says.

    "Mine too.." Charles said then the two put down their bikes. Lucas starts to climb one of the trees that looked the most easiest to climb, Charles climbed up after him. As they stop at a certain part of the tree, the two take out binoculars and start spying into the area, they spot people entering a huge building. Lucas looks at the top of it as Charles explored the bottom part of it, looking for anything.

    Then he saw the van. Similiar to the one that was outside of Lucas' place, Charles puts down his binoculars. "That's.." Lucas trailed off as Charles looks at him. "It looks the same as the van that was outside your place." He says.






authors note troy looks like a mini tom holland

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