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HerSoon school was over, but it went faster than I'd expected

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Soon school was over, but it went faster than I'd expected. Hana finally talked to me, and so did the rest. Maybe life wasn't that bad after all.

I packed my back and swiftly glanced at the boy behind me. No one dared to say anything to him, despite it being only his first day.

I somehow felt bad, but then again, it was nothing of my concern. I had so much other problems I should care about. I bit my lip and packed my back while I saw Hana approach me in the corner of my eyes.

"Naeun!" She yelled happily as she suddenly snatched my arm, grabbing it by my wounds. I hissed and quickly took my arm back. The boy behind me looked up and for a moment our eyes met until he quickly walked away.

"Something wrong?" Hana asked, clearly upset. I quickly looked up, letting out an awkward laughter.

"No nothing, I was just... surprised," I smiled. Hana turned to her phone, like she didn't care.

"Anyways, are you coming? Hoseok and Suho are already waiting," she smiled and walked out of class not bothering to wait for me.

It made my stomach churn. Why did she not wait for me? Because she hates you. I shook my head. She wants to be my friend again, so it must be nothing. I weakly smiled to myself.

"You keep overthinking," I mumbled to myself and walked out of class. As I walked out of school I saw Hana hugging Hoseok. I bit my lip and felt uneasy.

Why did I feel this way. It's not like I like him. I snickered to myself by the thought of liking him. It's not like he'd ever feel the same.

I noticed how Hoseok looked at Hana, it was different from how he looked at me. He always preferred to talk to Hana instead of me. But then again, everyone preferred to talk to Hana.

Hana was like the it-girl in the entire school. Beautiful, popular and has the brains. Sometimes I'd envy Hana. I wish I could be confident like her.

"Hey Naeun," I heard Suho say, awakening me from my train of thoughts. I let out a smile, and both Hoseok and Hana looked up.

"Hey Naeun," Hoseok smiled, but before he could say anything Hana dragged him away.

"We should go now. We have homework to do later, remember?" Hana smiled to Hoseok. I felt something in the pit of my stomach. Was it anger or was it sadness.

I bit my lip internally laughing at my feelings.

Feelings are stupid and so is love. It's not like anyone—

No it's not like anyone would ever like a useless bitch like you.

It was her voice again. Her voice who took over my mind. Suddenly a sharp noise started ringing in my ears and my breathing grew heavier.

"Are you alright?" Suho asked as he caught me, preventing my me from falling on the ground. Hoseok and Hana had turned around, and I forced out a smile to Suho.

"Yeah I'm alright, thank you," I mumbled and I saw Hana glare at me for a split second as Hoseok let go of her. Or did she? Maybe it was all my imagination.

I clenched my jaw and smiled at Suho trying to convince him I was alright. Hoseok walked over to us and grabbed my arm, making me lean on him.

I smelled his strong cologne, and felt like time stopped for a moment. I looked at Hoseok before his eyes met mine.

I felt a burning sensation in my belly, but this time it wasn't because I felt bad. I felt good.

"Are you sick?" Hoseok asked and suddenly moved his hand to my forehead. Hana had crossed her arms, and it almost seemed like she was fuming. I felt guilty for taking Hoseok away from her, because now she seemed unhappy.

I quickly and gently pushed Hoseok's hand off of my forehead and smiled.

"Yeah don't worry, I'm alright," I felt Suho still hold my waistline for support, but Hoseok pushed his hands off.

"You know, Naeun," Hana suddenly began as she walked over to me, with a worrying smile on her face.

"If you're sick, maybe you should rest. We can hang out another time?" Hana asked a question, but it seemed like she didn't want the answer, because she already knew what the answer was.

"Hana, why just not leave it up to her?" I suddenly heard Hoseok's voice and I looked up to him. How his smily eyes suddenly turned into a glare sending daggers to Hana.

Hana pouted, putting up her puppy eyes and I heard Suho sigh.

"B-but Hobi, I'm just worried about her... you know," Hana pouted as she clung onto Hoseok's arm.

"Naeun, are you alright? I can take the bus home with you," Suho offered while he pulled me away from Hoseok. I looked up to Suho and pressed my lips in a thin line. Maybe I was sick after all?

"Y-you guys can go. I think I'm going home," I stutter and Hoseok looked up.

"Are you sure?" He pressed his lips in a thin line and then opened his phone.

"Alright, I'll bring you home," Hoseok offered and grabbed onto my wrist. I internally hissed feeling the burning sensation of my wounds.

"No it's alright, I can go home by myself. You guys can go," I force out a smile knowing damn well that right now I couldn't show anyone my house. If I could even call it my house.

"Naeun it's really no—"

"If she wants to go home by herself let her," Hana rolled her eyes and pulled Hoseok away.

"You promised you'd study with me," Hana said and dragged Hoseok by his wrist. I looked at them, and Suho turned to me.

"Are you really going to be okay?" Suho asked, his voice soft like always. I smiled at Suho and gave him a quick hug, inhaling his cologne.

It was different from Hoseok's. Hoseok smelled refreshing while Suho on the other hand smelled sweet.

I quickly let go of the hug I've been holding to long and smiled awkwardly.

"You should catch up to them," I smile, seeing Suho's cheeks also bright red.

"Y-yeah I should. Text me when you get home," Suho smiled before running off. I saw Suho disappear in the distance and turned the other way to the bus stop.

It was a good five minute walk but I didn't mind. Hana was right. I didn't feel so good.

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