t w e n t y o n e

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"But I don't get it," We sat on the couch, and the man with the briefcase looked really nervous. My aunt smiled at me and laid a hand on my hands.

"We found out that... that mom passed away, and I thought she could take care of you after my... brother died-" She stopped in her sentence and started to sob. Somehow I felt pity for her although I've probably only seen her once on my father's party.

"If it was so important for you, why didn't you attend the funeral?! Why weren't you there when I needed it?! As your niece!" I said angry.

Yeah of course, firstly skipping your brother's funeral and after that randomly slamming the door saying you're sad and wanting to take care of me. My ass.

"But you don't understand Park Roseanne Chaeyoung!"

My movements froze at her words.

"Don't you dare to call me by my real name you snake!" I said and stood up but the man sitting on the couch stopped me.

"Park Roseanne Chaeyoung, orphan, age of 16. You're not able to take the care of yourself when you're under 18." The man said and the blood on my veins boiled.

"And you know what?! Yet I still do it without the help of you fuckers!" I yelled out and my aunt stood up with a glare.

"Chaeyoung I can give you a luxurious house, new clothes, food that you only had in your dreams- I can give you a dream life! Why do you make it so hard? The only thing you have to do is coming to Seoul with me. Chaeyoung, slowly you'll be out of money too. Think straight Chaeyoung," She said and I snorted.

"Guess you're true self came up. Do you think I'll come with you because you'll give me your dream life? No thank you," I said and pushed the man with the briefcase towards the door.

"Fuck the both of you, and get the hell put of my house!" I yelled at them. The man with the briefcase tried to do something, but I only needed to raise a fist to scare him.

"Take all of the bullshit you left with you, I don't want anything that reminds me of snakes," I said and my aunt stood up.

"Alright Chae, if-"

"Chaeyoung you bitch," I said coldly not moving an inch. My aunt huffed and if stares could kill I would be dead by now.

"If you want it the hard way, then sure. It'll be the hard way," She said and I shook my head. As if.

"I can throw you out of my house, if you need the hard way too," I said and I saw her raising her head.

"Don't worry Chaeyoung, you just don't realise the things that I can give to you. If you don't want it now, it'll be forced to you," She said and left.

After a few minutes the silence returned and I leaned against the door and sighed.

It'll be alright, I whispered to myself.

I'm okay | k.th | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now