Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Author's P.O.V*

Liked by HarryStyles, VanillaDingDong, Zayn, LiamPayne, LukeHemmings, AshtonIrwin, and 2,090,123 others

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Liked by HarryStyles, VanillaDingDong, Zayn, LiamPayne, LukeHemmings, AshtonIrwin, and 2,090,123 others

NiallHoran So there's buzz that someone is trying to take my crown in being the most positive and kind person on this platform.

View All 97,001 Comments

LiamPayne That would be me sir.

NiallHoran @LiamPayne I
don't think it's you but I'll let
you believe that.

Jetblackcleo If you would have looked at the camera, I would have died.

Cakehood2.0 @HarryStyles Run.

HarryStyles @Cakehood2.0
I did the moment I saw this

Cakehood2.0 @HarryStyles I
can't believe you responded.
I love you so much.

Please.stopluke This has to be about @HarryStyles because you just followed him yesterday.

Nogay Here he is @HarryStyles

Dontpanicbrendon Next time @ him.

NiallHoran @Dontpaincbrendon
Will do captain.

Zayn Don't kill the poor boy.

NiallHoran @Zayn I'm going
to kill him with kindness.😈

HarryStyles I'm sorry. I'll stop.

NiallHoran @HarryStyles It's
fine bud. Just joking.🤣

HarryStyles @NiallHoran Oh
thank god.😅

Culture.of.vultures Man that suit on you does something to me.

Allaboutniall17 Guys they fucking interacted.

Nastynas. I wish I was that suit because damn.

Sassy_cassy Finally you notice him.

Dundundone Fuck! The veins in his hands y'all.

Stylesicon @HarryStyles is the guy you're looking for.

HarryStyles @Stylesicon You're
suppose to be on my side.😭

Stylesicon @HarryStyles Oh
shit you replied. I'm on
your side baby.

LukeHemmings Fight fight fight fight.

NiallHoran @LukeHemmings
Hey. I only preach kindness
on this account.

Floofirishhoran @HarryStyles he about to snatch your wig.

HarryStyles @Floofirishhoran
Please convince him not to.

Bossybetty_ You're single. I'm single. Let's make it happen.

AshtonIrwin Don't worry. That crown will always be yours.

NiallHoran @AshtonIrwin
Thanks man.




Thoughts??? Predictions???


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