Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

*Author's P.O.V*

So let me get this straight
you have Harry and plan
on me meeting him in
person will help reset


You'll have to wait a
while before that


I'm visiting my grandma.
She became really ill and
my family are spending
time with her in case she

Oh. I'm so sorry to hear

No it's completely fine.


How did you you end up
getting Harry?

I had a steakout in front
of his house. He usually
leaves at night so no one
discovers him.

Do you really think me
seeing him will help?

Yes. Think of it as sleeping
beauties true love's kiss.

I don't think he would
want me to kiss him.

You don't have to. You
just touching him or
talking to him in person
might do it.

I don't know.

His idiots of a creator
didn't check his phone

What did you find?

He had a secret file with
pictures and videos that
you guys took.

What happened?

I showed it to him and he
completely freaked out.
He was crying and trying
not to look.

That could just mean he
doesn't like me.

For a split second I saw his
old self surface.

So there's hope.

There is a lot of hope.

Please stay safe. I don't
want the both of you to
end up taken away or

I promise we will. I'm
at a location that they
have no idea about.

Good good.

Just let me know when
you come back.

Okay great.

The faster you guys meet
again the faster you guys
can return to being a
couple again.

Thank you for doing this.
You really didn't have to.

No I had to. He's like my
brother. When we were
created, we both had a
heart tattoo given to us to
know we are brothers in a
way. His is on his bicep and
mine is on my hip.

We have to expose those
bastards after we get Harry
back to normal.

Exposing them means
exposing me and Harry
and that can end very

You're right.

Well I'll let you get back to
your family.

Alright. Thanks again.

No problem. You're my
best friend.




Thoughts??? Predictions??? Thanks for the 1k votes and 6k reads.💋


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