Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Author's P.O.V*

Nugget where are?

Far away from my home.

What's going on?

I don't want you to hate
me blue.

Please tell me. I want to

You're not going to want to
once you find out.

Please nugget. Zayn and
Liam and just about
everyone on social media
are worried sick.

I didn't mean to cause

Are you at least safe?

Yes I am. For now.

What do you mean for

It's really complicated.

Maybe if you tell me it
wouldn't be that way.

Promise me you won't
be upset once I tell you.

I promise.

I'm not real blue.

I mean it looks to me
that you are pretty real.

That's the thing. I was
created to look real.

I'm still confused. I mean
we had sex and kissed
and a bunch of other

I'm an artificial human.

Continue please.

Zayn was the first one
created but he's technically
human because they picked
a couple who was having
trouble making a child. He
doesn't have the same quality
as me, which is why he gets to
live a normal life because he
was kind of a failed creation.

What the-

I was the second one made
but not by any humans. I
didn't get to have a normal
life like Zayn, which is why
I try to spread positivity and


We were created to be the
picture perfect human being
that has everything. Perfect
body, a genius, speed, strength,
and so on.

So were you assigned to
have me fall in love with
you? I was just apart of
your experiment?

No never. You were the
thing that had woken me
up so many times blue.

Woken you?

Every time I would misbehave
like my more serious posts,
I would get reset, which
was why I would come back
like nothing ever happen. I
had to be perfect.


There was so many times
where I wanted to tell you
and everyone else but they
were monitoring my every
move. So I tried to do it as
best as I could through my

So you're a robot?

No. I feel pain and every
other type of emotions. I
can still die by anything
because I am human just
not made the natural way.

I gotta go.

Blue please.




I have so many narry gifs. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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