Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

*Author's P.O.V*

Hey little nugget.


Nugget where are you?

At the airport.

And why would you be

Because I'm relocating.

Relocating for what?

You and everything we did.

This is a prank right nugget?

Far from it.

Alright you got me nugget.

I would like for you to stop
calling me that.

Where is this coming from?

No where. I'm simply going
to erase all evidence of us
ever meeting.

What about our child?

It's only my child now and
they will grow up not knowing
of your existence.

This isn't funny anymore.

You can live your life
however you want to now.

Nugget you're taking this
prank too far.

I don't belong to you so like
I requested stop calling me

You know I can't let you
do this.

You can't stop me. I'm not
human last time I check.

That doesn't mean anything.

It means everything because
I'm wiping your phone clean
of anything related to me as
we speak.

You can't erase what's in my
head of us.

Well I could but then I would
have to make your death look
like an accident and I don't
want to go through that.

This isn't nugget. Who are you?

I'm Harry Styles but I might end
up changing that too.

What did I do wrong?

Everything. I wasn't suppose
to fall in love or get married.
I was suppose to live in isolation
and take some random person's
sperm and live with that child in isolation forever.

Do you not hear how fucked
up that sound? YOU'RE HUMAN!

You're the human and like
most humans it hard for you all
to simply accept and let go of

You're my fucking husband.
I'm not just going to let you
walk out of my life with our
child. You're human and I
don't care what you say about
that. You have a fucking soul.

I'm just going to end this
FaceTime right now.

Wait please no.


Can you look me in the eyes?


Nugget if you're in there
somewhere please know that
you're doing something that
will destroy me and you
forever but I know you'll
find your way back to me.
You have too. I love you and
our child so fucking much.

Goodbye Niall. This is the last
time you will ever see or hear

Nugget plea-



Thoughts??? Predictions??? 👀👀👀


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