Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*Author's P.O.V*

Liked by NiallHoran, Brunomars, Iamcardib, Jasonnash, LiamPayne, and 2,091,111 others

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Liked by NiallHoran, Brunomars, Iamcardib, Jasonnash, LiamPayne, and 2,091,111 others

HarryStyles I can clearly see why people take drugs to make their life easier. I really need it because I'm trapped in a fucking box and that might just get me out. If you experience what I'm going through then you would want to do the same thing.

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Zayn Get off your phone now.

Bobthememer We shouldn't be forcing Niall to tell us what's going on but instead Zayn since he seems to know.

Stylesicon Don't ever do drugs please Harry. The youngins in Harry's comments don't do drugs. It'll fuck you up big time.

Givemestyles I think you're having a midlife crisis.

Allthehomo I can confirm that trying drugs will not make your life easier.

Harrys_sweetheart His eyes look brown.

Thecliquearmy I have lost so many family members to drugs and I don't want you to end up that way.

Stylesnoticeme Did he really go get a nose piercing?

Kekeevans At the pace he's going, he might end up deleting his account or deactivate it for a long time.

Cheekystyles I almost died trying drugs. Never again.

Nogay I don't know if I'm tweaking but it looks like he has on eyeliner.

Bassline_breezy You need professional help.

Notdaviddobrik The drug you should be addicted to is Niall.

Photoshopbro He's turning into a punk.

Momoney.noprobs I'm sorry but I'm going to have to disagree with you.

Spiritualmemes The only drugs you should be doing is the one a doctor gives you.

Stuckonvines If my mom saw this post, she would have made me unfollow you so fast.

Somany.fandoms You tweakin bro.

Noshadejust.tea I hope your followers don't start using drugs because of this.



Dedication goes to lilmamastyles5

Next chapter is them facetiming. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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