Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Author's P.O.V*

Still can't wrap myhead around yourrecent behavior

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Still can't wrap my
head around your
recent behavior.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't play innocent with


The "can I sit on your
face" comment and the
last post about being
sappy and you just so
happy to put blue hearts
and take a picture with a

I was just being goofy
like any other friend

I'm not mad at you
just so you know.

Then what's the problem.

There isn't any. I'm just
really shock is all.


I know this going to
sound weird but do
you like me?

Of course. I wouldn't be
friends with you if I

No I meant as in like
relationship type of like.

Ohhh. Makes sense.

Do you?

You're straight so
why should it matter?

Well I never confirmed
my sexuality to anyone.

Oh I'm sorry. That came
out rude.

It's alright. I would still
like to know.

Do you like me?


I don't want to talk to
you because you sound
upset right now.

I'm not upset. I've told
you this already.

You called me by my first

I like you alright.

So you're gay?

No. I'm pansexual.

Well I'm pansexual too
but nine times out of
ten drawn more to guys.

Okay. So I confess, can

I mean it was obvious.
My followers knew
before you even caught

I mean for the three
weeks we've known
each other I kind of
figure but I just thought
you were being super


So what do you want to
happen from here?

I've never been in a
relationship so maybe
we can take things slow
and what feels natural.

I respect that. Can we
meet up some time
soon to get to know
each other some more
while being in person?

I'm not in Chicago but
once I come back we

Alright. I'm about to get in
my car. I'll text you some
time later.

Ok. See ya blue.

See ya little nugget.



Dedication goes to BreathingIn5sos

This is the moment y'all been dying for. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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