Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Author's P.O.V*

Liked by Zayn, NiallHoran, Lanadelrey, Littlebodybigheart, Kyliejenner, Michaelclifford, Selenagomez, and 1,757,079 others

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Liked by Zayn, NiallHoran, Lanadelrey, Littlebodybigheart, Kyliejenner, Michaelclifford, Selenagomez, and 1,757,079 others.

HarryStyles In honor of it being pride month and since I spread kindness, I'm going to be talking about crushes. Don't be afraid to crush on someone of the same sex or someone in general. Crushes are healthy and you should try interacting with your crush whether it's a quick text, a hug, a high five, or a follow. Remember to spread kindness.💕😚💕

View All 21,970 Comments

NiallHoran Couldn't have said it better myself little nugget.

Zayn So whose your crush?

HarryStyles @Zayn No one.😇

Harrys_sweetheart I want to punch you in your cute ass face.

HarryStyles @Harrys_sweetheart
Please don't. I like my face.

Allthehomo I feel like there is more to this caption and picture.

Momoney.noprobs Why don't you ever come out of your home? I want to meet you.

Nogay I think I might have a feeling on who this is directed to. Do you know you're like the perfect human being?

HarryStyles I
don't think I am but thanks
for thinking that.

Kekeevans You're my crush so how is this going to work out.

Notdaviddobrik My anxiety will not let me do that sir.

HarryStyles @Notdaviddobrik
Don't let anxiety win. I
believe you can do it.

Bobthememer Do I smell a social media ship starting to surface?

Thecliquearmy He out here bold af with that caption.

Givemestyles Wipe that adorable smirk off your face mister.

Noshadejust.tea So we just going to ignore that Niall called him little nugget?

Photoshopbro You know you want to @ him.

Bassline_breezy I wonder what made him smile like that.

Spiritualmemes Look at this innocent little bean.

Stylesicon I'm going to mail you my heart.

HarryStyles @Stylesicon
Please don't. I want you
to live.

Somany.fandoms Half of the population is crushing on you.

Cheekystyles I've been looking at his face for five minutes and I just now noticed the suit. Shit!

Stylesnoticeme Your future spouse is so damn lucky.

Breadstick_summer He knows what he's doing to us with this picture.



I might start doing dedications for this story. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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