Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

*Author's P.O.V*

Liked by HarryStyles, MileyCyrus, Dojacat, Zayn, and 4,279,000 others

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Liked by HarryStyles, MileyCyrus, Dojacat, Zayn, and 4,279,000 others

NiallHoran I thought I'd treat you all and show you guys a picture from our wedding. Maybe in the future we'll show you guys some more pictures or some videos from it. Like my little nugget says remember to treat everyone will kindness.💖😚💖

View All 11,365 Comments

HarryStyles I'm hurt that it's not a picture of us.

NiallHoran @HarryStyles I'll take
it down right now.

HarryStyles @NiallHoran You can
make it up to me another way.😏

Floofirishhoran I don't know what's cuter: the fact that he used Harry's saying or this picture.

Nastynas If Harry can end up marrying and getting pregnant by his crush then so can I.

NiallHoran @Nastynas Keep
that mindset.

Lazaye7732 You better stunt on them boy.

Cakehood2.0 How do I give an A++ to a picture?

NiallHoran @Cakehood2.0
Let me know when you find

Bronarry The crossing of your hands hitting different.

Allaboutniall17 That hairline ain't going nowhere.😍

Nogay Do you know how many Narry accounts exist on every social media platform?

NiallHoran @Nogay Yes. I see
them everyday.

Jetblackcleo Please tell me Harry wore a dress for y'all wedding.

NiallHoran @Jetblackcleo Sorry
but he didn't.

Culture.of.vultures I really had to zoom in to see if you were wearing your ear ring.

Dundundone Niall Horan invented existing.

Please.stopluke Can I put you in my pocket and keep you there forever?

NiallHoran @Pleas.stopluke If
Harry and everyone else I love
can come then sure.

Bossybetty_ Stop staring in to my soul I feel like you're revealing all my secrets.

NiallHoran @Bossybetty_ What
are you hiding?

Dontpanicbrendon I would like to vote you for president.

NiallHoran @Dontpaincbrendon
I can barely remember to feed
myself so I don't think I'm cut
out for that.

Sassy_cassy Why the serious look on your wedding?

NiallHoran @Stylesicon No




Thoughts??? Predictions??? Next update may or may not be the last chapter.


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