Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

*Author's P.O.V*

How was he able to do
that even though he's
isn't turned on?

He's a artificial human
Niall. He basically has the
Internet inside of him.

Oh yeah.

Wait. He's moving.

Does that mean the reset

I guess so.

Little nugget?


Is it really you?

Yes it is.

And now you're kissing.
I'll let you guys have some

I missed you so much

I did too. I tried so hard to
override their system but it
wasn't working. Thank you
for resting me.

No problem. I just wish
I would have done it

As long as you did it
that's all that matters.
I would have still been
stuck screaming for
help on the inside.

That sounds terrible.

It was. It was like I was in
a coma but I could still move,
speak, and hear but it wasn't
me doing it.

God. Are you okay? You said
resetting would hurt.

Yeah. It only caused a lot
of sparks to go off in my
head that were a bit

I thought I lost you forever.

You can't get rid of me that

What will you do now?

Threaten my creators not
to fuck with me again or else
I'll fuck up their whole life.

I don't want you going near

I don't have to. I just override
all their data and left a little
message behind.

That's so cool. Make me into
one of you.


I mean I thought about it
when I was losing my faith
in you coming back.

You don't want to become
what I am. It sucks to know

Alright. Now what?

I know this is too early but
I was thinking about moving
in with you.

I don't see the harm in that.


Yeah. I mean our relationship
is moving a little fast but I don't
care. I know we'll last forever.

That's so freaking sappy that
I love it.

I love you my little nugget.

I love you too my blue.




Thoughts??? Predictions??? The end..........again. It's my baby daddy birthday today.


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