Hey everyone! I'm glad you are all enjoying this book but I am planning to end it soon. I may pick it up again in the future but that seems unlikely with my GCSE exams coming up and everything else at the moment with my Nana being ill. I do hope I can but I am just writing this to announce that this story might be ending soon or put on hiatus until after my exams at least. I just wanted to let you guys know and say that I do have another Voltron story if anyone wants to read it. Anyways, that's all and I hope you all enjoy.
"Coming? What do you mean coming?!" Lance screams.
"I means I'm coming. Trust me. Just hold on," I mutter out whilst dodging to avoid fire but still destroy ships.
"We can't do that much longer Keith," Shiro replies, strain evident in his voice.
"I know. Just a few more ticks..." I mutter, pushing Red all the way.
I hear the paladins yelling out in fear. The sudden swarm of Galra ships from Zarkon's own ship are going to be a problem. Well, unless someone is fast enough to take them out - I smile to myself - like Red.
Let's do it! Use your bayard!
"Bayard?" I ask.
Just focus and it will come to you.
I nod and immediately focus, closing my eyes.My hand begins to feel tingly as I block out Red flying around by herself and focus on the feeling until I feel a weight in my hand. I open my eyes and see my bayard and a smile immediately spreads over my face.
Well done. Now use it!
I nod and insert my bayard into the section in Red that rose as Red spoke to me and I turn it. We dive and swerve and moves and attack and destroy. Within a few ticks, the swarm are nothing more than floating debris.
"Whoaaaaa! Did you guys see that!" Lance yells over the comms.
"That flash of red just annihilated that entire fleet!" Pidge squeals.
"Does anyone know if it's on our side or the Galra were just its first target?" Hunk asks, quieter than the others.
"Yeah Shiro?"
"Was that you?"
"I'd like you all to meet Red."
There is a pause for a few ticks.
"WHAAAATTTT!" Comes through the comms from Lance, causing me to burst out into laughter.
I like this one.
"Red!" I cry indignantly.
"What's wrong Keith?" Shiro asks in concern.
"It's Red. She really likes teasing."
"You can hear her?" Allura says over the comms.
"Yeah. I heard her voice. In fact, I heard all the lions faintly when meeting them earlier. Is something wrong?" I ask in worry.
"No! Nonono, nothing's wrong. It's just... it's just no one can hear their lions; they only receive images and feelings as part of their connections. It's kinda amazing," Allura reassures me, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief.
"Keith, it's good that your here. Now we can put an end to Zarkon once and for all with Voltron. It'll be our first time so let's make it count!" Shiro tried to get everyone to focus.
"Let's do it!" I cry.
"Yeah!" Lance, Pidge and Hunk yell in unity.
"Now Paladins! Defeat Zarkon!" Allura yells.
"FORM VOLTRON!" Shiro yells.

Realisation and Freedom (A Voltron and Galra!Keith fanfic)
FanfictionIt's always the same. Assignments beneath your skill level just because of what you are, not because of what you can do. Wait... what do you mean? A new assignment under Emperor Zarkon himself? Finally, a chance to prove yourself. You can show every...