~Chapter 8~

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It was Friday already, the days have gone by fast. I've gotten use to living here in Crescent, Nevada. Sophie got a job at Nana's shop and loves working there. As for me, I've gotten use to the idea of this uniform and the school. Me, Zach and Kay are close friends now, we hang out mostly all the time. As for Corbyn, Daniel and Christina, I hang out with then when I see them. However Zach doesn't like the idea of me being close friends with them. He doesn't tell me the reason behind it but I know him and Daniel don't like each other. However, there is one thing that I know they have in common, they don't like Jack and Jonah. I could see it in their faces. Whenever Jack tries to talk to me Kay interferes and as for Jonah he doesn't talk to me. He only looks at me. Ever since our little encounter we had at the woods, he's been different, I can tell he wants something from me, almost like there is a connection he wants to make.

"Just because it is Friday does not mean you do not have homework, so I want you guys to finish both chapter ten and eleven and answer the review questions. It is all due on Monday morning when you walk in"

The bell rang, allowing class to be dismissed. Me and Zach got up and walked out of class. The hallways were packed as they always were during lunch.

"Hey, I'll meet you in the cafeteria, I need to use the restroom"
I said looking at Zach.

"Okay, I'll meet you in there"

I nodded my head towards his response. He walked to the cafeteria while I walked to my locker. I opened it and out my books away and got the books I would need for my class after lunch.

"Damn it I must have left my notebook in class, I'll just go after lunch"
I said while closing my locker. I closed it and made my way to the restrooms.

I turned around once I heard my name being called.

He smiled at me. He began walking towards me. The tie around his neck was loose, while his hair was messy but a nice messy, making him look handsome. I snapped out of my thoughts once I realized he was in front of me.

"I think this must be yours"
He said handing me my notebook. I reached out and took it.

"Thanks, where do you find it?"

"On the ground by the lockers"

I swear I left it in one of my classes, maybe I ended up dropping it while getting my other books, but I would have noticed.

"You okay?"
He said looking at me while giving me a confused look.

"Yeah, thanks"

He smiled at me. Jonah Marias, the only guys in this school that all girls go crazy for with that smile.

I was about to excuse myself when someone called out for him.

I looked behind me to see who it was. Baylee Terance, captain of the cheer team, every guys crush, and most importantly daughter of the school principle.

"Hey I was looking all over for you"
She said looking at Jonah.

"What do you want Baylee?"
He said. By the tone of his voice it seems like he doesn't like her.

"Here, it's an invitation to my party tonight, you'll be there right?"
She said handing him the invitation.

"Thanks for my notebookk Jonah, I better get going"
I was about to leave when Baylee stopped me.

"Katherine right?"
She said looking at me form head to toe. By the looks of it I could tell she didn't like me.

I said.

She handed me an invitation.

"I heard you're close to Zach so I thought I'd invite you"

"Oh umm thanks"

"You'll be coming right"

I thought of saying no, but it was my first party that I got invited to.

"Yeah, I'll be there"

She said smiling.

"I'll be going as well"
I looked at Jonah as he looked at me.

"If knew you'd come Jonah"
Said Baylee who was now wide smiling because of Jonah's response.

"I'll see you guys later"
I said walking away. I used the restroom and went out to the cafeteria. Zach and Kay were eating already. I grabbed my food and made my way towards them.

"Oh no she got you too didn't she?"
Kay said while looking at the invitation.

I said sitting down.

"Are you planning on going?"
Zach said while drinking his juice.

"Well I kind of told her yes already"
I said looking at him.

"Good, I was planning on taking you anyways"
Kay said smiling at me.

"What about you Zach are you coming?"
I said looking at him.

"I don't have a choice do I?"
He said looking at Kay who was smiling.

"Yeah, I'll come with you guys"
I smiled upon his response, my first party with them.


After school I decided to walk to Nana's shop to visit Sophie. I was walking when I notice someone was behind me, Daniel Seavey.

He said smiling at me.

I said back.

"I've never seen you walking around here"

"That's because I don't, I'm going over to my sister's workplace, Nana's Shop"

"Oh I see, I'll walk with you, I'm headed the same direction"
He said.

I nodded my head as we both walked towards the stores.

"Are you going to Baylee's party?"
He said.

"Yeah and you?"

"I'll probably make a quick stop and see how it is, it's just that they'll be there as well won't they"

I said with a confused face.

"Zach and Kay"

"Yeah they will"

"Hey Daniel can I ask you something?"
I said looking at him.

"Sure, ask away"

"Why don't you guys get along?"
He looked at me before looking away.

"There are things in this world that we can't always share to others. All you have to know is we're different"

"Different, how so?"

He was about to say something but stopped himself.

"We just don't get along that it's"

"I see, well I'll get going, bye Daniel"
I said waving bye to him. He waved before walking away.

Different? How? Could he have meant they are different because of who they are and their personalities?


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