~Chapter 11~

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Blood, there was blood all over. Her body was lifeless now. I called for help but no one was around us.

"I'm so...so sorry"
I whispered to her.

She turned to look at me.

"You could have saved me. You killed me. You murderer"
She shouted at me.

I backed away from her body and covered my ears.

"No, this isn't my fault. No!"
I screamed.

I opened my eyes only to realize I was in a room. A hospital room.

"Kathy, look at me. I need you to calm down"
It was Sophie's voice.

I said before hugging her.

"Shh, you're okay"
She whispered to me.

"She's dead, her body, oh god she's dead"
I murmered to her.

"Dead? Who?"
Sophie asked looking at me.

"Baylee, I saw her body, it was on the ground covered with blood"
I managed to say trying to hold back my tears but it was impossible.

"Katherine, what are you taking about?"
Sophie asked, clearly worried about me.

Before I could answer her the door shot opened. It was two officers.

"Katherine Dean"
One of the officers said.

"Yes, that's my sister, how may I help you"
Sophie responded back.

"Good morning, I am Detective Perez and this is Officer Sander, we are here regarding the death of Baylee Terance"
The officer said while looking at me.

"Death? What death?"
Sophie responded, she didn't know.

"Miss, it is okay if we have a talk with her"
The Officer stated.

"Katherine, what is going on?"
Sophie mumbled to me.

"It's okay"
I whispered to her.

"Fine, but I'll be outside if you need anything. You better give me an explanation later Katherine"
Sophie commanded before walking out of the room.

The two officers closed the door and stood next to me.

"Are you in a stable condition to answer questions?"
One of the officers said looking at me.


"Okay, why were you at the party last night?"

"Baylee invited me"

"Who were you there with?"

"My friends"

"Why were you with Baylee?"

"I wasn't"

"People saw you walking into the woods, where her body was found dead"

"Someone was calling out for me. At first it sounded like my sister, but then it stopped. I saw her on the ground bleeding. I ran to her but I was too late"

"Who was calling you?"

"I don't know"


"There was someone else there, a man"

"A man?"

"There were footsteps approaching.I looked up and saw him. I couldn't see his face but I saw him"

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